#STWT Show 48 - Bilderberg 2018 Breakdown, PedoGate News, Leon Valley and more...

in #stwt7 years ago

#STWT Show 48 - Bilderberg 2018 Breakdown, PedoGate News, Leon Valley and more...

Film Summary

This is show number 48 of #STWT my weekly live show, where I cover random topics and bring in guests to expose the New World Order. This week the theme of the show was the Bilderberg Meeting 2018 and a review of what has transpired since the last Bilderberg Meeting.

The Bilderberg Website is here: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/

I specially went through the Bilderberg meeting agenda from 2018 and reviewed the 2017 one to see what they were able to accomplish in a year. I also went through the attendee list, and the biggest surprise was the first ever time the Vatican appeared, the 2nd in Command of the Vatican showed up at Bilderberg. Lot's of heads of state there this year, military leaders, and a ton of smart city / artificial intelligence type people.

Based on the attendee list and the meeting agenda, we can see that the world is on the brink of another bankster run war. Where they fund both sides of the conflict to create more control over the nations involved via war debt.

Other Topics Covered:

Craig Sawyer pedo sting operation:

Catholic Church 800 page report ordered sealed by PA Supreme Court: ~~~ embed:1011036260335542273 twitter metadata:QW5PcGVuU2VjcmV0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0FuT3BlblNlY3JldC9zdGF0dXMvMTAxMTAzNjI2MDMzNTU0MjI3M3w= ~~~

John Podesta slaughters pig at 4am tweet, and see the replies for the rest of the relevant tweets with info:

41 year old immigrant raped a young special needs girl and got arrested: ~~~ embed:1010821308781821953 twitter metadata:QW5PcGVuU2VjcmV0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0FuT3BlblNlY3JldC9zdGF0dXMvMTAxMDgyMTMwODc4MTgyMTk1M3w= ~~~

Credit to Jason Goodman for asking Thomas Paine of True Pundit about page 294 of the IG report regarding Weiner's latptop and the HRC crimes against CHILDREN! See the 38:40 minute mark of the video linked here:

Support #OpFreePhoenix420! #FreeAnons! ~~~ embed:1010463748371382272 twitter metadata:Qmx1ZURyYTM0MDkxODg5fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0JsdWVEcmEzNDA5MTg4OS9zdGF0dXMvMTAxMDQ2Mzc0ODM3MTM4MjI3Mnw= ~~~

Leon Valley standoff, police abusing the first amendment:

Battousai channel for Leon Valley Updates: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBattousai1776

PizzaGate Howie is going to troll the pride parade in NYC:

Comet Ping Pong Hard drive hit by a stray bullet according to Alefantis himself on video: ~~~ embed:1010597058968014849 twitter metadata:SW1wZXJhdG9yVHJ1dGh8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSW1wZXJhdG9yVHJ1dGgvc3RhdHVzLzEwMTA1OTcwNTg5NjgwMTQ4NDl8 ~~~

Thanks for watching everyone, please see the links to contact me below:

Music Credit:

  1. Intro Song: "War Song" - Imad Royal & Elliphant: https://soundcloud.com/imadroyal/war-song

  2. "OverDose" - Fabian Mazur & Party Thieves: https://soundcloud.com/partythieves/fabian-mazur-party-thieves-overdose

  3. "Still DG" - YTCracker: https://soundcloud.com/badg3r-1/ytcracker-still-dg

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Interesting, I will check it out. I am not as huge fan of gab however. Though I am on there.

There is a large audience of Gabbers and your efforts to discern and expose the truth of what is really happening in our crazy world would reach new ears.

Your energy & enthusiasm are commendable... Keep up the good work!