** hijab ** - tutorial hijab is a way creative or steps uses the hijab. when want to start berhijab first maybe you ever imagine how later appearance you with the hijab. not to mention plus the complexity of taking hijab. we often confused want style hijab like what is fit with US. so in the end you will feel less motivation and confidence to wear hijab.
therefore by following the following tutorial, you don't have imagined again about the complexity of taking hijab. because guide tutorial hijab latest is very simple, simple and easy to put into practice. it also this guide is presented with practical steps way berhijab simple to you that may be a new start. you don't need to be confused longer want style model hijab what kind. with this tutorial, you can choose a variety of creation hijab matching style you.
By following this tutorial, you will be able to easily wear hijab in less than 2 minutes.
Before you begin, there are 2 things you need to know.
- itemIt is mandatory for you to have basic colors such as itemblack, white and pastel.
- item itemitemIt is also important to wear internal (inner) hijab or ciput. In addition to cover aurat also to tidy up the form of head hijab in order to be easily arranged.
Here, 5 easy ways to wear hijab simple the most popular.
1. A stunning pashmina hijab tutorial.
You can also try this amazing pashmina hijab tutorial.
First install the ciput and for the left hijab is longer than the right.
Pull and pin the pin on the right side of the hijab to the left side of the back of the hijab.
Take the left side.
Lipatkan the left side earlier up the head.
Then pin it on the left side of the head.
Put the pin is also on the right so that the hijab stay neat.
2. Tutorial hijab simple with rectangular hijab.
For the first way you can try a simple hijab with a rectangular or square hijab model.
Fold the rectangular hijab as shown above.
Then, attach the head to both sides equally.
Take two sides and pin them.
Pull the back of the hijab forward.
Reseat the right side of the hijab to the left side of the head.
3. A convenient paris tutorial.
Thirdly, you can try wearing a paris hijab that is known to be very comfortable to wear.
First form of hijab paris be triangular.
Pasang hijab headed and the shape of the right side is longer.
Take the right side of the hijab.
Drag and fold the upper part of the head.
After that, pin the pin needle.
The bottom of the hijab is trim.
Draw the ends of the sides right and left.
Then connect both sides with a pin.
Cover the last part on the bottom of the hijab.
** 4. Simple triangle hijab tutorial. **
This triangular hijab model is very simple and practical in its use.
Make the left and right sides to be equal.
Embed pin on both sides at the bottom of the neck.
Take and drag the right side.
Drag the left side and wrap it backwards.
** 5. Hijaab Tutorial to go to Party. **
Going to a party or other formal event maybe you need a hijab model that 'baseball' you use everyday. You can try hijab style for this party with the following tutorial.
Make the right and left side of the hijab to be the same length.
Then, drag the front on the right and left side of the hijab to the rear.
Engine pin on the back.
Then crossed the backside.
Lipat the left side to the top right side and vice versa, folding the right to the upper left side.
Then pin the pins on both sides.
I hope to see you in the next post.