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RE: Subcultures and Social Trends: The Transhumanists – The Singularity and Modern Cyborgs

in #subculture8 years ago

I would suggest to you that the rise of the singularity, much like the rise of humans from single celled organisms, will be an evolution which follows a geometric rate of development. Based upon the information I have read, we are at the very early stages of this path. I many ways, kids at BMX (Body Modification) Conferences with RFID Chips in their fingers and LED lights embedded under their tattoos are representative of the early adopter phase on a very early evolutionary path.

I agree with your point about what a true, mature singularity looks like will make even the idea of cyborgs seem trivial, much like the difference between modern medicine and witch doctors. However I disagree with your point that what biohackers and grinders are doing today is in no way related to how a singularity will unfold.
