Looks like an awesome #FunkyEdit to me, this Deep Dream AI program sounds pretty nifty although does it really understand anything - or just take what you give and do something crazy with it?
I'm a bit on the fence with AI, having been around computers a long time I know how fickle they can be - even today they just get bogged down or grind to halt requiring the good old "turn it off and then turn it back on again" fix to get them running again. Unless an AI can work out to reboot itself before becoming totally locked up it's functionality will be limited. And Tesla are doing a good job of proving this point at the moment with it's "Self Driving" cars that appear to forget sometimes they are supposed to stop when faced with a stationary vehicle - if it doesn't work 100% of the time it's useless - although to be fair they probably have a higher percentage success rate when compared to the number of human drivers that have done the same thing!
A throughly enjoyable #SublimeSunday - Trump would be a far better world leader if he looked like this - or would at least give the world a good laugh!
AI is still in the very early stage of development. Does it knows what it is producing...no. Not at all.
This image is it's interpretation overlayed on an existing image.
It couldn't 'create' an image of trump at all. How would we explain what a comb over is for example ;)