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RE: Sublime Sunday - We all live in a Yellow Submarine

in #sublimesunday6 years ago

I watched the Yellow Submarine movie so many times when I was young, it's really entertaining. Is that one just sat on someone's drive? It works perfect in yellow - super edit.

And the bike picture is so vibrant, I love the ways the colours are all popping in that you selected a really good edit for that one. Seagulls are always a great photo, and you made that one look like an oil painting it's superb.

Thank you so much for sharing more of your incredible photography with edits for #SublimeSunday - I really loved all of these.

#thealliance #witness


Thanks, such kind comments are appreciated

The submarine is one of the first submarines produced by a guy and his company here in Milford, it is on the side of the road in a little park and walkway by one of the marinas