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Thanks I do love how that leaf is holding on with all it can :)


That's what I thought, when I saw the photo - this leaf doesn't want to fall down ;) lol


For me these days falling down is not the problem of even getting down low for a shot getting back up is the challenge LOL


Oh, then I think, this leaf knows you and this is, why it held on that tree - that you don't need to get down ;) lol

LOL yes that was very considerate of it LOl


Some leaves are not just like the average leaves, who don't care about us humans ... this leaf must have seen you walking by some times over the summer and it remembered you when it fell off and you passed by... 🙂

Yes if more leaves were so considerate like this it would also save all the working of raking them up off the ground :)


BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of