How to add a picture like everybody else, Part 2

in #submit9 years ago

Someone said they use I can use a link, a direct link, a markdown, another markdown, a thumbnail for forums, a thumbnail for website, a hotlink for forums, a hotlink for website and/or a removal link.

Which choice will put the picture in front of the story? Or, am I going about this entirely wrong - is that picture in front of the story a profile picture? Where do I upload a profile picture? In settings, I assume.

Patience, patience


Upload picture 1st on Your blog post before writing =
thumbnail=picture in the feed
That is if You have many pictures
If You have just 1 picture
The blog software should put it in thumbnail

Embed & paste that first, then text. TY!

Select image, find "share" option (maybe share or EMBED), choose embed. Copy and paste that FIRST, then add text!! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!!