Importance of discipline for an elite student

in #succes6 years ago

  In the previous post we talked a lot about motivation, we talked about how this is necessary to impulse us to study that career we want, but it is also important to mention that not all the time we will be motivated, motivation won´t be the only thing we need to achieve our objectives, here we will talk about a fundamental tool for any elite student.


  The discipline can be defined as the constant maintenance of a certain behavior to achieve some goal, knowing that we can adapt the discipline to our lifestyle, many times we feel a certain fatigue or laziness, there are occasions where we spend a long day in classrooms and we get tired to our homes, sit down to study can be tedious because we just want to rest, this is when we must get the discipline ahead, an effective way to overcome this fatigue is creating good study habits, to start with this we must plan our week and create a study schedule, this schedule should contain our class hours, our hours doing extracurricular activities and of course, the necessary study hours.

  This part of the study hours is very important, we must emphasize that the study sessions must long in average 60 minutes.

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  The graph we see here is the curve of attention, it is said that after 60 minutes our mind will not be able to concentrate 100% on what we are studying and therefore it will start to digress and think about other issues, totally normal because excessive concentration on one thing can be harmful to our brain, it needs periods of time to relax and recharge. About 15 minutes of rest will be enough for the mind to be distracted a little, a good way to take advantage of these 15 minutes is doing a little meditation and moving away from the study site, meditation is very important because it helps our brain to be awake again, to have control over our breathing and our thoughts is very important for the brain to return again to an optimum state of concentration. Once the 15 minutes have passed we can resume our study session.


  Once we have our study schedule with all the hours we will use during the week, we can start with the study habits, the first and the most important thing to keep in mind is that this schedule must be fulfilled daily, the hours of study that appear on it should always be completed, for example, if in the schedule appears both Monday and Tuesday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we must do everything in order to be studying at that time, the constancy to complete these hours of study will generate in us a habit, this may take about 21 days approximately but after this period our body will be fully used to studying at that particular time, after that we can notice how we cannot miss that study´s session at that certain time because our body and our mind will start to feel very restless because they know that they aren´t studying and they are used to it, that's why the discipline in these first 21 days is super important to generate the habit, with a lot of character and perseverance it will be much easier to sit down to study, you will need it because now is a habit.

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  This is the way that elite students use to always be reviewing the topics they have seen in class and therefore they are always good in all subjects. All they use is that great tool called discipline and a few good minutes of rest and as a result you will get that study habit to get the desired results.

  This is how discipline can be our great ally during our career, in the next post we will be giving some advice about how to create a good schedule. We hope this information has been very helpful, be alert during the next few days in order to read the new information. Come to the comments section to find out your opinion. Tell us if you want more content like this, many greetings.


Source: Own image.