
Great post, man!

I tried to make a million before. Was far from reaching the goal but I did learn a lot. The cliche is true, "It's about the journey and not the destination."

Keep it coming!

Indeed man. The money can be taken away but the person you become is faaar more valuable.

By the way, I finally managed to upload to @dsound. You should try as well :)

Will do man. Thanks for the headsup!

Hey, this is cool stuff! Good to see that you're putting effort in both recording (your voice, right?) and also transcribing it out.

Yo Mav! Yeah it is my voice. Podcasting is something I will get into full fledge eventually - so the recording is just a start :)

All in all, it's a good start :) Keep it up!

This is a great podcast topic, sweet and simple yet insightful!! Keep it coming @bensimblog :)

Sure will man. Your stuff's awesome as well :)

Sure will man. Your stuff's awesome

Recently wondered whether it is possible to make a million dollars with nothing? And what can I do to quickly earn a million dollars? Or, at least, I can sell to earn a million dollars?

Jay Abraham was asked this question and his response was to become a middleman.

If you can connect the disconnected and make a commission you can, real estate agents essentially broker their way up to a million dollars with little to zero capital.

Here's a good post on the subject.

Such a beautiful post, those who actually read it will enjoy and benefit, thank you for the valuable reminders! ✊🏽

Thank you @ecomind :)

Great podcast bro! Just joined Steemit. Would love to connect with Steemian like you!

Hey bro! Surely! Would love to connect with a Steemian like you as well.