Everything that we see or hear has an influence in our lives. This is even more apparent of course with the people that our closest to us and we see more often. So we should definitely consider having the most beneficial people in our lives that can bring us the outcomes we desire.
We only live once and who you meet first in life does not have to become a life partner. Often we may give too much power to the people that have been in our lives, even for a short time period. Then we end up keeping them around when we know they are affecting us in a negative way.

Achieving Success
When I think about my friends, for me it has a ton to do with success. What are we doing and talking about? Is what we're involved in beneficial or are we just wasting our time away?
Many people have friends for only leisure fun, to let go after work and unwind with watching sports or entertainment. Where is your time being spent for majority of your life then? Is this helping you grow as a person, do they give you beneficial advice on how to achieve your current and long term goals?
If you have people that are highly professional in positions that you want to attain or people that you want to be like, you will have extraordinary better chances of accomplishing those goals and becoming that person. You should always be striving to reach your full potential in life because that is how you will get the most out of it.
Communication - Monkey See, Monkey Do

Why will your friends shape your future? When your with friend(s), the leader or one with the most influence will continue to sway you into how you should live your life. Let's go and do this tonight, I am sick of my life, our husbands or wives are not treating us right, let's go out on the town.
You will start to adapt to there standards and morals in life. As much as you think for yourself, the more you hear something, the more true you tend to believe it to be. If your friends do not have the same aspirations, attitude, positive outlook in life, then the more it will drag you down. This will not only decrease your productivity but shape you into somebody you never wanted to become.
We often trust people who are in our lives much more than we should. They have a strong energy sense and a powerful hold against us at times. This is why word of mouth is the best selling tool in sales. We tend to give more power to the power we know and this could be even someone we just met recently and is now apart of our lives. If we have people around us who have bad intentions, lives we don't want, outlooks we don't appreciated then you can see how this will shape us in a negative way.
Keeping People Around

You do not need to keep people around because of how long you've know them or because they are the only people you know. This is quite foolish and many people tend to do this because of guilt they feel. You do not owe anybody anything in life. Anyone who truly cares for you will respect all decisions you make in life, even if that means removing them.
There are too many great people in this world to waste it away on people that should not matter in your life. Keeping people around could just be hurting you and the growth of the other person. You can find thousands of people that will support you through thick and thin, be a great influential guidance, or have the standards or success that you want to attain.
We should all take a roll call of who is in our lives and how they benefit us. Are they helping me with career or my business life? Are they just in my personal life and are they helping that aspect in a positive way? Many times we have a lot of dead weight friends in our lives because of insecurities we have and they could just be around for there own benefits. If they don't have their priorities set, this will just bring you into that same category.
Good friends will keep you living happier, longer, and help you reach your full potential. We only live one life, so wouldn't you want to live it to the fullest?
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My recent trip to Mexico
Another fabulous post. Since I have been around the block more then a few times I can honestly say I know your friends can shape your future. But the great thing about that statement is you can chose what friends remain in your life if you enhance each other they are keepers or you loving detach from those that virtually suck every once of positive energy from your being. These are usually your Taker friends the one's that don't do much for you but want you by their side at the snap of their fingers. When I found out I had cancer more then 10 years ago that is when I did a clean sweep of all those fair weather friends there was about 7 and unbelievable enough it was so freeing and rather empowering that I had finally made that decision for myself and my health and wellbeing. Thanks again for sharing this informational post and video. I have attached a image that I happen to send my bestest friend just yesterday we have been through thick and thin and our friendship has never faltered.

I appreciate all your great insight you share here! I think we have a lot of those taker friends until we do a clean sweep of them all. It does change so much and empower you, you become freer as you can finally be who you really are with no regrets or negative emotions. People can really make you hold some negativity inside yourself and that can 100% affect our health.
Glad you did what was best for you and came out stronger than you were! You are truly inspiring me and everyone here @donnab!! Truly glad to have met you!
Have a great day my friend!
Friends influence our future through changes in our thoughts. This is an abstract of many years of experience. thank you It is my pleasure to have a friend like you.
Totally agree with that! Thanks for sharing my friend!
I think we are just two old souls my dear bud. Keep up the good work I always look forward to your oh so beneficial posts.
Thank you! =)
Cool post! Enjoyed the read. Thanks for making good content!
Thanks so much @exxodus!
That's exactly right. When I moved back to NYC from CA I knew I was going down a different path than pretty much everyone I knew up to that point. One thing that a lot of people fear is being alone.
This is one of the biggest illusions one can keep oneself trapped in.
Learning to be alone and comfortable in your own skin is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. For example, even if you meet the most amazing life partner or business partners or even friends - what happens if they die? And we all will die so it's just who is going to go first.
Besides that, being alone for a while is a great gift that some people will never experience because they refuse to be alone. It forces you to examine your life and get your values straight. Then you will only allow the best people in your life.
So true! This is why I think many people keep friends around that aren't healthy or a partner is because of the insecurities.
I went through the same thing of being alone and putting myself in that position because it was the best for me. I learned to love myself and enjoy life that way in every aspect. I really don't need anyone if that was the case. Like you said you then just allow the best people in your life and it is icing on the cake!
Great share here @soulsistashakti, I love your insight! :)
Right on :)
So very true... Its amazing how little people actually think about this. but of course the people we associate with regularly are going to have an effect on us. I think guilt plays a huge part in why we keep negative people in our lives, that and being afraid of change. What happens we we be rid of them and its not them but us that are the negative source. Worse what happens when its your family that play this part how can you disassociated with out offending, or does this not matter in the long run. Its always easier said than done but well worth the effort if you can get there.
I agree that it is us and not them. We must remove the guilt and not be fearful of change but have confidence in our choices. Well worth the effort for sure. I know of a few people who have had to do this with parents and changed there lives completely for the better. It’s sometimes tough being an adult. =)
It was so much easier when you were a child lol... I appreciate that my parents live on the other side of the country. :-)
haha so true! The golden days.. Not a worry in the world. Have a great day @insideoutlet!
The kind of company you have is so important. From family members to friends to significant others, we really should think about how our interactions with them affect us, our mood, health, and overall well-being. I say health because if you hang out with chronic party peeps, you'll be more likely to drink more and eat junk food more. At least from experience I've learned this.
Extremely important to surround yourself with positive, motivated, passionate people. Thanks for sharing Matthew!
BTW, what is your opinion on someone who enjoys spending more of their time alone than not? Do you believe too much alone time can be harmful and that there should be some sort of balance between time alone vs time with other people? Considering how we're social animals.
Yes it does apply for everyone in our life, even family. It does affect our health, I see many old friends continue to drink all the time because friends get them too, as well as the junk food. That is not a good friend to have around. They may make you feel good for the time being but essentially hurting you.
When I went through my growing pains a few years ago, I stuck to myself, kept alone which I think has it's positives for the time being. It is important for us to learn to love to be by ourselves, know who we truly are and what we want in life. To be happy without the need of things or people. With that said, eventually I became a little anti social, forgot how to approach people and create new friendships. In the last couple years I learned how much we are social animals and all the benefits it comes with.
Once we know how to stick to who we are and the world can't change our securities, happiness, morals and standards, we should definitely seek out talking with lots of people, creating many friendships that benefit us.
People do change our moods, educate us, and offer opportunity. As long as we can stay in control of ourselves we should always do it. I am an advocate on it now because it has changed my life now that I understand it. No harm in being alone though, I think a healthy balance is great. Feel like I rambled a bit, does this make sense? Feel free to add or ask more from what I wrote here.
Haha no no, I got you!
I've seen so many good people being lost because they don't know who they are and are looking for acceptance and approval outside. This is so important but takes a lot of time and strength..
Yea I agree with that. Some growing pains as I call it. :) Being alone is definitely not a bad thing.
Our social network in many opportunities helps us to demand more, to develop our skills to the maximum and above all while that happens we are accompanied
They absolutely do and why we need strong companions to help push to our full potential. Thanks for this share @psicmarynes!
Friends to me are one of the most important things in my life. My closest friends can be considered as part of my family and i would do anything for them as i hope so they do for me. As you mentioned too there a some ''friends'' that keep you back,envy you and they care for themselves. It would be quite hard to find them but if you do and cast them aside your life will be much better
Yea I totally agree and good friends are family imo too. That is why we should pick ones that are only great to us. Have a great day @filotasriza!
This post is on point and I can resonate with it so much. I was surrounded by so many close-minded people, people who have dreams and goals for too long and it affected my life in a big way. There are those so-called friends who can keep you broke, for a long time. It very important that we surround ourselves with people who dream, people who are humble and carrying. These people will inspire us to do better and be better. One of the problems I had when I decided to leave my old friends behind was the fear of being lonely. But once I found my purpose and I understood that life is more than hangging out in the bars and clubs, my fear simply dissapeared.
Yea we want people that will lift us up to new heights! I find that is usually one of the main problems to hold onto people, is loneliness. Once you understand that love does not come from there and we can create anything, you almost just free yourself and life opens up to you completely!
That is so great and very similar outcomes happened with me. Thanks so much for sharing this @silviaturon! Have a great day!! :)
Permit me to take the above line of yours as food for thought and also feature that line as intro to a post of mine, u ll b well referenced as the author. Thanks so much sir
Ya no problem! Thanks @ambdavid!
Successful friends do breed successful people. As a friend of mine always says, "Iron sharpens iron."
That is a great quote to remember! Thanks @mental-extract!
Not a problem :)
It's been said that we are the sum of the 5 people we hang out with the most ..
I like this line:
So true! Thanks @jorlauski!
Great read!
Thanks @heyitshaas!
Awesome post man. Got to love your friends. I really think that this concept is applying directly to steemit as you are stronger with good friends around to support your great content... I think you got the essence of it. Great Read and Watch too. God Bless. Peace and Love.
Yea very true with Steemit and in life. Both social media and in the real world everything is pretty much related I find. Thanks for the kind words my friend. Bless you have a great day!
Friends, and even family (of which we have less choice) do have an ability to sway and alter our life, and our future happiness and success. If we have negative people in out lives it's like a dead weight, dragging us down. But why do we have these people there? Do we not value ourselves? All important questions to consider.
Good post, with many important issues to take into account. Our choices here and now make a difference to our future.
Very good questions to ask ourselves. Great points here @naquoya. Thanks!
I love meaningful posts..so therefore all those who commented before me has said something valuable.I will like to comend them all for their mind blowing post.@bitdollar lovely post and educating..and to evryone who commented, thumbs up
Thanks so much and for recognizing all the other commentators!
happy family ☺👌
The best! :)
I couldn't agree with you more. Really well said.
I had to do stop being friends with someone about two years back due to a number of reasons, and I had known this person since high school. I'm in my mid thirties now. One of the hardest decisions of my life but so many good things happened after I did it.
good topic , you are right @bitdollar ... thank's for your video and info <3
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 5.65% vote... I was summoned by @bitdollar! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh