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RE: Success Real Meaning And Explanation

in #success6 years ago

One goal that parents need to focus on in raising their children is to begin the teaching process of being successful. It has nothing to do about money but it has to do with building self-esteem. The formula is simple....give the child a brushing their teeth. First you have to teach them how to brush their teeth...then you have them do it a couple times per day. Each time they do a good job brushing their teeth, it is important to praise them. The idea that you must get across to the child is that they need to accept responsibilities, do them to completion and the parents responsibility is to give them a hug, a pat on the shoulders and let them know they did a good job. If a parent uses this simple strategy over and over again, the child will develop a mind set that motivates them to complete the task successfully so they receive some recognition from their parents.
When the child enters school, the same process occurs. The teacher gives the child some math to learn; the child is taught how to do the math. Then the reward is a good grade on daily homework. The process of self esteem continues to develop and become stronger. The next stage occurs when the child finally gets a job. They learn how to do the job....either by going to college, trade school or learning on the job....and their reward comes with a pay check. If a child is given these exercises beginning in early childhood and feels success in each endeavor, they will be successful in whatever they do PLUS their self-esteem will be very strong. This is SUCCESS!!!


Very interesting...I'd like to follow up on this topic.