My Definition of Being Successful

in #success7 years ago

I've always wanted to be successful, I didn't have a clue how I was gonna reach success - but I knew I wanted it. I guess I first had to realize who I am and what I really wanted.

What is success to me?

I used to confuse being successful and being rich.

I would say, "to be successful, I have to be rich."

Then I discovered that the word success has different meanings, actually, every individual will likely have their own definition of what success is.

My definition of success is:

Financial Independence
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Money isn't everything in life but it is necessary if we want to have an impact on others. You can not bring out your full potential without having the financials to back it up.

Want to provide for everything your family needs? Then you need money. Ther isn't so much you can do if you're on a limited supply.

Want to donate to a charity? Good luck with that if you are in a financial struggle.

So, having lots of money is a priority we should all have. Don't you agree? tenor.gif

Familly/Love Ones
Being able to provide for all of my family is one my biggest goal, even if I don't have to, I want to be able to. I think being able is better.
Again, I can't help much if I am not already financially stable, that is why Financial Independence is first on my list.

I want to help out my community, I want to be the guy that gives the most at charity events, I want to mentor people and help them fin their way.

All of this requires hard work and dedication on my part, but once I can do these 3 things, then I will consider myself somewhat successful.

But honestly, success to me is continuous. Once achieving those goals I will set new ones and the journey starts again.

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I used to confuse being successful and being rich.

Understanding that concept is the secret and key to a happy life in my estimation. Unless you wish to be successful at making money, which also doesn't mean you will be rich.

Good read!

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