How To Makes 1000 Dollars Everyday On Steemit ( The Best comment Of The Book Will Be Rewarded With 2 SBD ) - Get Wealth With No Investment - Apply For a Free Book

in #success7 years ago (edited)

Dear Friends,

I want to share my life story with all of you.

At Steemit we have a very big competition, new users who do not have the money for the investment hardly reach great results. The voting power of strong bloggers is not enough to support 10 000 followers, unique texts mostly remain recorded by a small number of people, you are wondering how to make a big result. There are universal rules that bring results in all types of businesses, I want to present to you the way, the experience and the principles that led me to the top. The book I wrote is your guide to success, the Best comment Of The Book Will Be Rewarded With 2SBD.

My short life story
Long time ago I hadn't money to go out for a drink in bars, I drank in front of drugstores and I enjoyed, the life has been joyful to me. The Coca-Cola meant something to me, I was just dreaming about earnings for good life. I've been looking for my way to all the directions, I thought I should live in some other country because only there the standard was high; I believed in other people's stories that would help me in a financial way; I heard many motivational speeches from people that I met, I was convinced that everything is ready to hand...

It is not easy like that in the real life, not everyone want to give you money; a lot of people are hiding their business secrets because if they give them to you, you'll be considered as their competition, maybe they are just afraid of you becoming more successful than them ... The time was passing by until I met the person who had said that the way out is in me and that I can do that. I remember the exact questions he asked me:

Goran, write all your reasons why you haven't succeeded in your life?

I wrote a lot of things: the Government, state, politicians, my friends, people, nationalism, mean West, relatives, teachers and professors... I wrote anything that exists in this world and that I could think of. When I gave the paper, my teacher looked it and said: cross these things and and write the one thing that you forget: YOURSELF... My personality change started exactly in that moment, I worked very hard, read books, take courses and trainings, I learned how the successful people work and what principles they use to become what they are now.

For the last 6 years I made a company having clients in 28 countries, over 10.000.000 Euros turnover, I learned how to organize myself and others, to hold trainings, to listen and to be listened. I'm just in the beginning of my career with my 42 years and I know that many bigger successes are coming on my way. Every month we open a new perspective, now there is a new world - the world of crypts .

I want to tell you with all my heart that I understand, it's not easy to start and change your habits, people you are hanging on with, the way of thinking ....


The book I give you as a gift is actually a summury of principles and rules that will lead you to the top; learn from other people's mistakes and in the same time use the principles that works in practice; they are simple and understandable and could be used by anyone. Let our mission be: the people from all around the world to get this book, call all the people you know to participate in education and to take people's consciousness and knowledge to higher level.

The 3 most important things in life are :

  1. Health (Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical )
  2. Knowledge
  3. Money

To success in anything we want in our life we should know 4 major things:

  1. To manage with time
  2. To manage with ourselves
  3. To manage with people
  4. To manage with money

If we succeed ruling these techniques our way is open and we realize everything we want.

Most people search their way out - with other people in other companies, that is the biggest mistake!!!

The one way out is in raising of the consciousness and constant personal development.

The anticipation gives future advices, it is wise to learn from the other people because the knowledge is powerful only when is realized.

Conditions for getting a book and 2SBD Reward ( The Best comment Of The Book Will Be Rewarded With 2SBD ) :

  1. You need to be my follower
  2. Upvote this post
  3. Resteem this post
  4. Leave your email in a place for comments
  5. After reading the book, leave a comment on this post

Dr Great Success



pozdrav, može na info(at)banzogo hr

Može, poslato za min od sada.

zapelo na Durmitoru

Siguran sam da cu uzivati citajuci Vasu knjigu i da ce mi pomoci ;) [email protected]

Poslato prijatelju

Hvala puno! 😉

Svaka čast, nikada u životu nije prekasno za postići uspjeh :)
[email protected]

Hvala Matea na lepom konentaru, knjiga je poslata

If I understand this correctly you're sending over a pdf book you've written yourself? Consider me interested! ;D I'd love to read more on the topic of managing resources. Be it time, or money.

For security reasons I'm not listing my daily mail here, but a throaway e-mail:
[email protected]

Thanks for comment - The book was sent

[email protected]
Should I comment after reading the book?

Thank you for comment, Yes, after reading the book you leave the comment ( The book was sent ).

Yup received, I'll definitely get back to you after reading your book, may be after 4 days. Your story looks inspiring. I am also in my 30's and looking to start my own business. Have started learning coding and stuff like that. You surely seems to be an inspiration for men like me.

Now I have 42, this is right time for you

Really thanks for sharing .And i will try this marketing..

You did not read the text, next time I'll give you a minus or a flag @nnajmull

I absolutely sorry my friend...Please don.t mind..

Hey sir @dobartim
Your post is very informative regarding new comer o steemit. This best way every senior to guide properly. @dobartim, your article is very wonderful and amazing. achievement on steemit is very difficult due to lake of knowledge. Your advice is very useful for steemians.
Keep sharing and stay blessed.

If you read this post, you would leave a mail, resteem, and I would send you a book and then I would reward you for the best comment about the contents of the book with 2 SBD @nayyabsipra
Thank you

2 things are important in life for me

  • time
  • focus
    Manage your time by doing at least 2 things simultaneously like put some water to boil for your favorite drink while you make a log in the bathroom ;P

Maintain focus on what you do without losing the sense of time

Wow, you certainly have a lot of followers for being so new on Steemit. That is great! You also have a pretty neat road to success story. I'm pretty new on Steemit as well and have only started figuring how to make some progress here.

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman

If you read this post, you would leave a mail, resteem, and I would send you a book and then I would reward you for the best comment about the contents of the book with 2 SBD @spencercoffman
Thank you