How To Stay Bad At Everything

in #success7 years ago (edited)

How To Stay Bad At Everything.jpg

A lot of people talk about how to learn how to become better at things.

That's rubbish.

Why do all that hard work and spend all that time and effort on something? I mean, there is always going to be someone better than you at it and so its like you wasted your life.

You know what I mean?

So let all those people keep chasing something better. You and I know that very few will even have a chance to be even marginally better at it.

Instead, focus that effort on things that are easy and make you feel good. I've compiled a list of ways you can stay horrible at everything in life.

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Don't Practice

The most obvious way to stay bad at everything is to not do it. I mean literally don't do anything related to it at all. You know how the Nike slogan is “Just Do it”, make your slogan “Just DON'T it.”

If you don't do it, you will never become better at it. Without improvement, you will stay bad at it.

If you are already practicing something, stop now. Give up. Giving up is a surefire way to drop out of the whole “self-help” scheme. I'm not talking about giving up a little. NO! You need to give up the whole idea of it. That is the way to ensure you will never become better.

Think of all the people that gave up on losing weight. Now they are happily binge-watching Netflix while binge-eating tons of delicious foods.

That could be you if you never practice.


Blame External Forces

Secondly, blaming everything and anything but yourself will push any bad feelings you might have elsewhere. Never take responsibility for your circumstances. Never take responsibility for yourself or your actions. Just have multiple excuses ready to spew forth the moment someone asks you how this or that is going.

Because if you accept responsibility for your life you might find that you have the power to change what you don't like. This is exactly what we are trying to avoid – so don't do it!

Always blame the outside circumstances. That life is against you. That everything is fixed and corrupt.

By doing this you can feel no responsibility for your lack of improvement. I mean, how can you change the world? It's not like trying will help, so best to do nothing at all.

This is the attitude you want to have if you want to never become better.


Only Talk About Your Potential

Talk about how good you COULD be if you chose to do something, but never act upon the words you speak.

Say things like:

  • I could have done that.
  • I would be great at that if I wanted to be.
  • If only I had the time.
  • The time is not right.
  • It's not hard to do.
  • I'm gathering information about it.

By talking about how you COULD do it, you won't feel bad for not having done it.

This is the feeling we are going for, the best feeling for the least effort. Which brings me to the last point.


Be Pretentious

This is the fun part guys. 80% of the feeling of achievement with 0% of the effort.

Pretentiousness means to show everyone that you are better at something than you really are. So dress the part and talk yourself up! Tell everyone how good you are. You won't have to make it if you can just fake your way through life.

Say you wanted to be a rapper, but don't want to do any of the work or put in the time and effort required. So just dress the part! Get the clothes, the bling, the car – whatever it is that makes you feel as if you are already a rapper.

Maybe you want to show everyone how rich and successful in life you are without having any success or riches.

If you can find someone to loan you money to buy that fancy McMansion and expensive car then you can talk down to everyone else that doesn't have it and make yourself look and feel great in the process.

Credit and loans are like free money! No need to do all the hard work to actually be able to afford it in the long-term, just get that stuff now so you can feel like you have it made.

These things give you the feeling of what you want, which is really the only reason people do anything to begin with.


If you follow the advice here, you will never have to improve at anything in life and still feel good about it. You can get most of the benefit, with hardly any negatives – what a result!


The funny thing is that im sure we all know a few people who do live like this. People who are all talk but no action.

They are everywhere!

This is a funny one.. Not practising, blaming external resources, only talking about your potential, being pretentious... This is the best way to remain the bad guy both in and out.. You have nothing to make you feel good about yourself. People will always take you as bad, and you yourself will take yourself as bad.. This is a lot easier that trying to be good to everyone. Not all people will take you as good however much you are truly good.. In most cases you yourself will have to just pretend to be good so as they take you as good.
Most people therefore are not bad. Atleast I've not witnessed anyone living like this; living bad both in and out.. I haven't witnessed anyone living like this. Most people at most live good inside but bad outside.
I personally discourage staying bad at everything because here you won't expect any returns and you are likely to die with nothing in your life. But if you try to succeed, there are chances of achieving some rewards.. and this comes down to the size of investment you have incurred in trying to succeed. The bigger the investment in terms of hardwork and time, the bigger the chances of getting rewarded. And the smaller the investment, the smaller the chance of getting rewarded. least I have got the idea after reading more than 2 times. A real mindset challenge .

My view is that, we can still to be bad at something we dislike. The whole idea is that I do not have to take everything available but to take the few that I can afford

Besides that, some people decided to make their life a paradise, yes they don't have anything to work upon " bad " but surely not in everything. There is always something knocking in human souls.

Yea, this post is a bit harder to 'get' if English is not your first language.

Don't forget to feel pride for you education gained by life and mock those that decided education was valuable for them. :)

Good Day..!Lol people always post about good stuff like motivation and blah blah blah but you shared about being bad :p haha unique article @getonthetrain enjoyed a lot :)

Only Talk About Your Potential
Talk about how good you COULD be if you chose to do something, but never act upon the words you speak.

Thanks @getonthetrain for this cleverly satirical and very truthful post :)

And I can relate to the quote above. I have been around countless family members and friends who love nothing more than to sit around and drink beer and talk about the latest and best ideas to make Money and find Success in Life. They really enjoy this.

I ALWAYS tell them that you have to put the idea in Action. But they just roll their eyes at me and just seem content at staying with their boring, tedious jobs. And continue on with the day dreaming.

It's madness to me

Hey, talk is cheap and makes you feel good right?

Yeah, it makes them feel good. Just for the night then reality hits them in the morning

Lol, I love it. I’m going to read this to my teenage daughter and see if she gets it!

Did she 'get it'?

Surprisingly yes, she didn’t explain it back to me that well but she got there in the end.

Think of all the people that gave up on losing weight. Now they are happily binge-watching Netflix while binge-eating tons of delicious foods.
That could be you if you never practice.

This made me spit out my drink.

You missed the sarcasm tag I guess.
Innovative way to motivate. People are bored of reading success tips, why not write classic tips of failure which still works in motivating people.
More than the content I loved the negative way to put forth the message.

Hey, I like to mix it up a bit.

Those are super “excellent” advices bud 😅

But I choose not to follow them and actually I choose to do the opposite hahahah


What!? Not gonna follow my advice... the heck?

Funny how the author of the handbook put effort and went against everything in his book to write this book
Mind = Blown!!