People who "follow" others are looking for an outward reflection of themselves. People need a face, a name, a "brand" to connect to; latch-onto may be a better way of saying it.
People watch movies because they identify with the characters and, for the length of the movie anyway, may fantasize they actually are the character. It has to do with our Mirror Neurons and our innate desire to see our inner-world mirrored outwardly.
Branding has its own devices, both positive and negative.
If you are looking to create an online following, the image(s), literally, uploaded must resonate with many people. This could be hard if you do not exude the personal characteristics you are hoping to attract followers with.
Thank you so much! Your comment is like me more than my article)
Nah, I just reinterpreted what you said into my understanding.
Thanks For Sharing!