What is Success?

in #success7 years ago (edited)

I used to think success is an overnight achievement

I used to think success is binary

I used to think success has only one definition

I used to think success means being a millionaire

I still don't know what success is

But I do feel very successful when I get up 15 mins early

I do feel successful when I take out time for the gym

I do feel successful to have a caring network of friends and family

Maybe one day I will learn what success is but till then I wish to feel successful everyday



Good post. Success is a journey not a destination... Thumbs up bro

Thank you so much searchengine. I am new here and trying to make new friends and help each other out.

good post

Thank you @kirkins

@junaidarshad, 12017477_613243588778537_8092342467633025027_o.jpg peice of what bruh n other investments? haha you a genius! foh