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RE: Free business tools course LIVE!!!

in #success6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing! I am sure it is a perfect course but I would like to make a suggestion .. maybe not to mention FREE in your title, because the tools mentioned are free but only if you pay them at a discounted rate : )

You could offer a limited free coupon (Joe Parys had done so in the past) or maybe change the title to ...
A Great Discount for my New Course including Free ... [... etc ...]

This is just a friendly remark :)

I wish you all the best!


Really Great feedback! Thannk you! The tools we are suggesting though are all indeed free to use and some of them have a higher tier with a paying option. We are charging for the whole course in training in the tools but the tools themselves are absolutely free! Might consider to clarify the title though!