A young lad in mozambique had passion for education, he was willing to do anything as to enable him save money for his university levels. But it became more difficult to feed, takecare of his old parents and younger siblings and also save for his project. The boy became discouraged seeing that his country was poor and no help from anywhere.
One day, news came to him that Harvard was given out scholarship. Without hesitation, he applied and was awarded scholarship. He couldn't believe that a poor boy like him could ever make it to such school. So on resumption day he decided to go ask the head of administration why a common boy like him was awarded a scholarship. On hearing his question, the administrator smiled and said " you weren't given scholarship because you came from a poor country like Mozambique neither were you given scholarship because your parents are poor. You were simply given scholarship because you APPLIED for it "
Enough story
Listen up freind!
You see, most times, this is what it takes to move forward in life; applying for opportunities.
Don't judge with the crowd without first applying for it.
The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich at one point in their lives applied for success while the poor didn't even border to draft that application.
This may be all you need today. Don't just ignore without seeing what's in there for you. Remember, It cost nothing or less to apply.
All things are possible today!