How does the law of attraction really works?

in #success6 years ago

Law of attraction is a controversial subject nowadays, and you gonna hear a few people who claim it works and the vast majority who claim it doesn't. Why doesn't it work for everybody?

This is a quantum universe where there are limitless possibilities. When we grow up we start learning and until this moment we acquired knowledge and memory. Now knowledge is not necessarily equal with truth. This knowledge and memory we have, creates expectations in all areas of our life.. Therefore if it's cold outside we "know" that we need to get dressed really well otherwise we get sick. Sometimes we know that people judge us because we are too short or too tall or too fat or too skinny. These are memories that we stored as a result of our past experiences. So all this knowledge that we have defines who we are. Or I should rather say, LIMITS who we are, because the expectations that we have created around us become real. Our insecurities become real.

When we want to use the Law of Attraction, but we hold on to our beliefs about reality, we make the wave of infinite possibilities collapse into one, the one which we are most accustomed to. You can't ask the Universe for a good girlfriend or boyfriend, wealth and abundance when you're subconscious mind doesn't believe you deserve it, or when you are not certain that it will happen, because there is no reason n your mind to believe that. It won't happen if you don't feel like you're already in possession of what you're asking for. In other words, when you ask for a partner, but inside you feel depressed and lonely you will continue to get whatever signals you're putting out. You will have to transcend your thoughts and emotions like it already happened, and have feelings of gratitude for the thing you want, even though you haven't touched it yet. This is the quantum universe where you can ask and let it come to you without interfering with the divine plan.

Imagine a radar that sees the sky above. If there is no plane showing on the radar it doesn't mean there are no planes in the sky. It means that there are no planes on the radar's reach. This analogy is perfect when thinking about our expectations. When we want something, the how is not important because there are limitless possibilities that we can't even think about. They are simply not on our radar. When you focus on the how you collapse the wave of possibilities into a particle (see the double slit experiment). The secret is you don't need to know how, you just need to match your thoughts and emotions to the outcome you desire and let the quantum universe arrange itself to meet your request.


Albert Enistein was great man

Ahead of his time!