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RE: How To Find Your Personal WHY, Life Goal, & Burning Desire

in #success7 years ago

The message you've passed on here has moved me @getonthetrain... It's like you were addressing me here in the post. I've had troubles keeping on track with the burning desire that initially gets started by my need to want something so bad. It only takes a matter of days or weeks for the burning desire to die out. And it's just after reading this post that I've realised I was not coming to terms with the ways of having a burning desire you've stated in this post. These 3 ways; being clear on your goal, building an army of whys and providing mental food to yourself.. are what hold the foundation of the desires we have. Personally I always make clear goals but then I always do have a single why and I don't add more on it. This is exactly what has been killing my drive. Multiple whys I believe are the ones that will push you back to the path you've undertaken when you get misled, I failed to keep my burning drive because I didn't have much to remind me why I took a specific path in achieving something. The mental food keeps distructions that don't fall in the path you've taken out of your way. I believe they keep the mind occupied with things that influence the desire to continue burning. This message is going to have a huge impact on me and much more users that have always fell short of having the burning desire to achieve something. Thankyou for clarrifying this for us @getonthetrain.


Well, you don't need multiple WHYs - just one really strong one. Get that WHY so strong and burning hot that it will never go out no matter how much water is poured on it.

Oh yeah.. Thanks for powering me up