Thanks yet again for sharing your story and your inspiration.
A lot of what you write reminds me of my time as a single mum bring up two kids in Australia. Its a busy crazy time when our children are young and we seem to have so much to do each day so I admire your planning and visualising to reach your goals.
I will say there were times my kids saw me cry too and rather than it being a negative I think its a postive opportunity for you to share and for your kids to show you support and love. They are precious moments that help our children know we are not always super mum..just good old regular mum who's always there.:-)
If people are happy to read it. I try to just say how it is and not sugercoat. It's not easy role being a single mum for sure. Everyday a learning curve. Today went well mind. I choose to laugh at the things that 'annoyed' me, like being corrected, like on "keep your ears open", to which the reply was "But Mum, then I would have to chop them in half!"