How much time do you spend on styling your posts? I found this guide: . But I am just starting to learn programing so it is a very slow process at the moment.
Also do you style your posts first in Word or a Note Pad and then just copy and past the text to Steemit when ready?
A GIFT for you, if you want it (Just copy and paste the image address.)
Thanks. I will be following you for more styling suggestions.
Cool, thanks.
I'm thinking that maybe I'll post a good one on that on Tuesday, maybe Wednesday.. but soon.
I type all my posts in word, styling as I go. There is a lot more left to learn about markdown, but what I have learned I apply when appropriate. I am planning on sharing a "how-to" about how I make my posts and images, gifs, and styling soon, so keep your eye out for that post soon!