I don't particularly want great wealth. If I can give my family a good like then that's enough. I think there's too much striving for what are seen as material indicators of success like a flash car or jewellery. TV and the media set bad examples. Health and happiness are more important. Those of us who have enough can also help others.
BTW I assume your image link didn't work. There's a tradition of doing an #IntroduceYourself post where you say who you are and provide some proof of your identity, e.g. a picture or video of yourself showing your Steemit name. It's not mandatory, but then nothing really is here.
Yeah, that is most peoples response that I have gotten on this journey. Health is a hugely important attribute to success imo, the food supply has been manipulated through the years. When you feel good about yourself your more likely to have the confidence to help others, theres nothing greater than helping others :)... of course my opinion.
Oo ok, I'll do that, oops thanks for teaching me the ropes!