Where do you see yourself in the next six months?

in #success7 years ago


I’m the kind of person that loves to read. I read as much as i can. I like to know what’s going on. I am a huge fan of pop culture. I use to read all the celebrity blogs until one day i realized how time consuming it was. Did you know that Kim Kardashian was one of the most searched words in 2014? I know people who know every single Beyonce song (there is nothing wrong with that) or the choregory to all of her music videos. They are so caught up in someone else that they are failing to see that they have been in the same job for four years. They are stuck in a routine. I really feel like we are too caught up in celebrities and we fail to see, they are people just like the rest of us. The truth is they are focusing on their lives and working to achieve their goals and dreams.


How about putting that energy you spend on a celebrity into focusing more on your goals and dreams. Many of us have no idea what we want to do with our lives. We don’t even know where we see ourselves in the next five years. Vision and purpose are two things that most people don’t have and struggle to find. Growth and development in this generation has become nonexistent. Stagnancy has become normal, you need to have some idea on how to move forward.


One of my best friends told me about a coworker who went on a job interview and on the application; there were two questions, “Where do you see yourself in five years? And where do yourself in the next six months?” He answered the questions on the application and he decided to write those answers in a notebook to remind him of his answers. He focused more on the answer for last question about the next six months. Every day he read the answer to that question until he believed that all his short term goals were possible, he envisioned them happening. He didn’t know how; but he knew his purpose, what his goals were and he had a vision for them. Six months later everything he had written was achieved. He used that list to develop his confidence and faith with the words written in that notebook, seeing the life he wanted in those goals right in front him.


Something about that story just stuck with me. We don’t value how important it is to have goals and seeing ourselves achieve them. Living one day at a time is good, but without a vision how do you write your future? At the end of the day without a sense of the future you are going aimlessly and blindly into the unknown. Focusing on the now, includes the next couple of weeks and months. So the next time you start to obsess over what Tyga bought Kylie Jenner remember that these people all have goals, dreams and a vision that they are working to achieve and they are achieving them. I’m not saying you can’t get up to date on your favourite celebrity, but lets work together on developing our personal growth. Remember they are just like us, if they can do it then so can you. It all starts with a clear vision and a sense of purpose to drive your inner dreams. What will you get from this? Growth, development and confidence. These are the key to success and to achieving your dreams. So I’m going to ask the same question… where do you see yourself in the next six months?




Interesting! I just finished reading a psychology book by Philip Zimbardo "The Time Paradox". The author did years of research into people's perspective and personal relationship with time. He identified six different time perspectives, past, present and future ones. People who focus mainly on the past are "traditional" types who like to follow routines and rituals. They love family gatherings and they don't like changes. Sometimes they get stuck constantly relieving their past memories, especially negative ones.
People mainly focused on the present are the hedonistic types (or fatalistic types) who live like there was no tomorrow. These types are most prone to gambling and addictions, but they're also the most entertaining types.
Future types are like what you just described in your article- they constantly plan and invest into their future. Future orientated people are usually most successful in life although sometimes they lose their ability to enjoy the present moment.
That author believes that we can learn how to balance it all out, and this way create deep sense of joy and fulfillment.

Hello, Im going to talk about my experience..
I like to live in the present because we don't know when are we going to die.
Maybe you still don't get me... last year I was shoot and nobody knows (even doctors) how im still alive!
So, from that moment and on I decided to live everyday as It was the last one, enjoying life etc.
I still have goals to achive in the future but i decide to enjoy life.
In six months i will graduate from medicine school :)

Oh, thank you very much for this story. I'm glad that everything is all right with you now. You made a wonderful decision, I should learn from you!

Wow, thanks for the interesting story. I will definitely read this book! Yes, I know this distribution. I treat people who live today. This is bad. So I'm trying to change myself

Wise words
Our world is so full of distractions and activities that keep us so occupied and busy that we sometimes forget to evaluate our lives and plan for a future. The stream of time keeps moving, the time is now we all can start from now.
Keep on the good work tanata
Please check my blog, and a follow back will be highly appreciated.

Thank you so much! We are too hasty to live. You're right!

This is very interesting, I am going to write the answer for that question in a notebook and will do my best to achieve my goals.

You will do a great deed! Good luck to you)

No words are enough to describe how beautifully you have explained this to so many of us who must be going through a similar situation... ur inspiration through this positive examples today I really can able to change my vision towards everything...
keep inspiring and motivating people.

I'm happy to hear it from you! I hope this will make your life even better)

Thanks for sharing! I will definitely hit follow as soon as I'm done writing this comment. I personally see myself growing my personal blog, hopefully reaching and helping people. I just wrote on how to be successful by setting SMART goals on my Steemit account. I just recently came back after some time away from being sick. All the best - Olivia

I'm sure you will succeed! I wish you good luck!

As Dwight D. Eisenhower quoted - "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable". I believe the same - Have plans but you'll stray far away from it. That's how life works. One can only look back make sense of all the connecting dots. The question should be how Joyful you'll be six months from now as when Life flashes when the credit's roll - that's all that will truly matter. So where do you see six months from now - Answer : More friends , more travel , more memories and less beer belly !
Cheers ;)

It's true) We can make plans, but we do not have confidence that we will fulfill them. But we can try) Thank you!

Well, you're certainly right to think that way, at least as long as you're young so here yes, you can see the future that way, and it helps you achieve your goals. Yet, the routine is there, for each of us, I married very young, I had 4 children and my goals were limited, just could to take care of my family. It was much later that I could think a little about myself.
Because when you have not been to school while a long time and you have not had the opportunity to work, you are stagnating.
Then, when I divorced, I went back to find what to do to get out of that, I did trainings to recover an asset to be able to work but I was already 40 years old. When I was 50, the disease caught me and I could not work anymore, so yes, when you are young you can think as you do but then, the vagaries of life are that ... I wish you wholeheartedly to achieve your goals.

Your story is sad. Yes, we can not be sure of tomorrow. But you have made the biggest plan - you have 4 children. I'm sorry to hear about the disease. But I hope you can create many more plans and fulfill them! Thank you for sharing your story!

My children are my greatest success, the rest is life and I have the chance to stay positive ... In any case, I try. Thank you for your reply.

Your post is so true. I felt sorry for guys and girls I worked with many years ago as they only seemed to talk about what a few boybands were doing in their personal lives, they knew nothing about what was happening in the real world. The last I seen or heard of each of them they weren't going anywhere or happy with their lot. Life it there in the World, go grab it.

It is a pity that many people do not want to live better. I hope that this will change someday. Thank you for your message!

I've been focusing on myself for the past year and I've never been happier. Knowing yourself allows you to figure out what you want to do in life. Set one goal and work on it every single day. Great article @tanata!

I agree with your opinion! You accurately conveyed my thought. Thanks for this!

I'm engaged. So I'll be a married woman by then. haha :) anxious, scared and excited all at once!

I want to congratulate you on such a big event. I wish you happiness. These are wonderful plans)

It's great to reflect on these things! Your friend writing down his goals and looking at them everyday reminds me of making a visionboard. It is a cool way to think about where you want to go in the coming year.

As for me, I'm still striving to balance work, personal life, art, health, and dreams. Everything is always perfect, but there is always room for infinite improvement!

Here is a post I wrote about my last vision board several weeks ago. Maybe you would like to make one to help visualize your goals too! It a fun way to keep yourself on track and keep positive thoughts in mind :)


Always happy when I see people being so thoughtful and introspective. <3

Thank you, very nice to read your comment! I'll think about visualizing plans in the future. Thanks for the link!

Keep it up! The photographs are stunning!

Oh, thank you very much!

Great story and really motivated!
We need to know our goal.
Yes, of course, one of the goals is to achieve success on Steemit. But there are other goals and they need to be appointed.
I'll do it now and see what happens in 6 months :)

Thank you for this! Following you.
P.S. Really good photos :)

The main thing is the beginning! I'm sure you will succeed! Thank you)

And thank you!

@tanata It's success story good pots That have my attention. You have Hope and good vision so You Will get success

Thank you so much. I hope so )

i guess with the new miners we know where you gonna be in 6 months :p

i am joking i am joking! Honestly now that was a very interesting question that i haven't given so much thought and i guess i must sit down and think of it a bit. As you mentioned the other questions was after 5 years a stupid question in my mind cause so many things change in that time, literally the whole world so to make such long term goals probably in reality those goals may be far far away!

I do not look that far) In principle, no one can know their future. But the main idea is to establish goals precisely. This is the main condition for success. Thanks for your support!

Very correct and motivating article. I always achieve in life what I want. And I know where I'll be in six months and what I'll do)). I would like to read about you, you did not say anything about yourself ...

Очень правильная и мотивирующая статья. Я всегда добиваюсь в жизни того, чего хочу. И я знаю где я буду через полгода и что буду делать)). Хотелось бы прочесть и о вас, вы ничего не сказали о себе...

Я знаю теорию, но я пока не очень хороший практик) Я знаю о своих целях очень приблизительно. Надо заставить себя верить, что будущее прекрасно. но пока я в это не верю и боюсь строить какие-либо долгосрочные планы. Спасибо большое!

Я не могу знать обстоятельств вашей жизни, но я хочу, очень, очень, чтобы вы верили в прекрасное будущее! И оно будет). Вы свободный человек, стройте свою жизнь без оглядки на то что будет, рискуйте и делайте выводы. Моя жизнь тоже была не сахарная... сутками за швейной машиной, чтобы заработать на еду... на день, а завтра как пойдет... Сейчас я имею все, и думаю, это благодаря тому, что я верила в прекрасное будущее и радовалась каждой мелочи, как собственно и сейчас).

Да, прекрасно понимаю вас. Мне очень знакома тяжелая работа за копейки, чисто до завтра дотянуть. Я очень рада слышать, что сейчас у вас нет такой необходимости. Мне тоже жаловаться вроде не на что, так, маленько здоровье подправить после таких заработков) Спасибо большое за добрые слова!

Your story has motivated me a lot. . great succes story dear @tanata . Your articles are very good.
keep it up

Thank you, I'm happy to hear your words!

Wise words
Our world is so full of distractions and activities that keep us so occupied and busy that we sometimes forget to evaluate our lives and plan for a future. The stream of time keeps moving, the time is now we all can start from now.
Keep on the good work tanata
Please check my blog, and a follow back will be highly appreciated.

I agree with your opinion. It is right! Thank you for reading my post!

Very true what you wrote here. There are so many distractions around us, media, celebrities, Facebook, just to name a few. I think we get fascinated by others life and what they have. It is a false illusion, a dream we see but it doesn't belong to us. It belongs to someone else. My favorite part of your post is where you talk about how celebrities focus on their lives and that's why they are successful. So true. If we spend more time on goals and visions and action, our results in life would be completely different.

Oh yeah. We spend too much time on distractions and, in fact, useless factors. We live a strange life, not trying to improve our own. But it can be fixed. Thank you for the wonderful comment!

As a dolphin in the Steemit , I'm fully occupied and obsessed with steemit that I won't be leaving anywhere else :) . Thanks for sharing and making me more confident :)

These are great plans! I understand you perfectly;)

Interesting explanations and made me to do self-introspection. It seems I have to relearn the plans and strategic steps that I will do to achieve the target of success. thanks

Maybe you are doing it right. just you do it another way) Thanks for the comment!

Meaning? Maybe you can explain a little. thank you

I mean, you're here. This means that you are already on your way to success;)

Thank you for the motivation..

@tanata Your post is much concerned about practical life, and the content is very good. We have to think about our future, set the goals and tried our best to achieve them.
Your blogs are always heart touching.
Thanks for Sharing

I'm happy to hear those words! Thank you so much!

Great success story ..I appreciate your post.thanks for sharing ..

Thank you for your attention!

That's a great success story ..Keep it up...

Thank you so much!

I don't see myself in 6 months. On my first working day (after vacations) I'll say I quit. And I don't know what happens next. I'll need to find a new job and so on... Its a pretty difficult decision, bit I had to do this earlier

Я верю, что все делается к лучшему. Тогда я увижу все за вас - в ближайшие 6 месяцев вы будете наслаждаться новой любимой и перспективной работой:)

Я очень хочу в это вериить, и одновременно почему-то боюсь...
Спасибо Вам за веру! )

Бояться перемен - это нормально) А без них и прогресса не будет)

Wow, those photos are really good, the ones with the sunset in the background are my favourites :)

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Beautifully composed


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This is a source of encouragement
am glad and happy about this post.
that you for the information.
lack of information is the fastest way to deformation
thank you so much

You are absolutely right)

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oawww it is great

thank you!

nice post friends. thanks for share this post.

Thank you for reading my post!

Wow..great post


you are very happy

Yes it's true!

congratulations D.tanata
always with you
please visit in my blog

merci une belle histoire


This is deep!! I like it!!