was needed to download a 5mb file
Damn thing took days! sometimes weeks, i left my computer running all night just to download a damn song! At least electricity is cheaper at night
Want to know the answer to something, Google will find it in a few seconds.
As long as you are not searching for diseases... i love when i get clients in the clinic saying the most absurd stuff because they read it on doctor Google...
You have Ponzi schemes like bitconnect shoot through the roof
I still don't understand how people even believed in that scheme... camon it was more than obvious! They even had a guy screaming BITCOOONECCT!
Those of us with a success mindset and patience appear to be doing nothing, but that is not true
Doing nothing? no... i'm doing something, i just dropped 600 bucks (my next 3 months of investments worth) on this dip, next 3 months i'm not buying anything, but i saw this dip as a opportunity and i took it.
all that effort will only gain them mere seconds in the end.
With the potential to get in a car crash and get a serious injury plus having to spend money fixing the car...
Well writtent @getonthetrain, i must say i agree with almost everything, the only thing i wanted to add is that even to much patience can be delatarious to someone... there is a balance between patience and impatience IMO, we just need to find it.
Oh, sure. Too much of anything is bad as well. Thanks for pointing that out!