Hi all...
In my last two post were i outlined the Guideline of
Success and words of Wisdom for tomorrow leaders;
you can see it here
Today am going to elaborate the outlined topics and
explain in details how to work with them.
The value of time-don't waste it.
Time is a very essential aspect of very mans live,
it goes along in every thing we do. A time lost can not
be replaced but money lost can be replaced. So, do
well to manage your time well and as effectively as
possible so as to archive what you want.The value of perseverance-don't give up.
According to dictionary.com, perseverance is
Persistence in doing something despite difficulty
or delay in achieving success.Most times we often
relent when ever things aren't going the way we
planned. But being persistence and believing in
yourself will give you victory at last.The pleasure of hard work-don't be lazy
As said,hard work does not pay in a day. Planning for
your future and going for what you want is a sign of a
purposeful and promising man. All the good
arrangement and under preparation often pays out
as the benefits of hard work.The dignity of Simplicity-don't be complicated.
Simplicity is a very vital role in every mans life, it is
better to keep it simple and be natural. Don't make
yourself too complicated and people start seeing you
as such. Learn to take life simple and easy and all will
surly be well.The worth of character-don't be dishonest.
Character is also an essential part of every mans life,
the way you behave to people that's the way they look
at you and that's the way thy would like to address you.
So, keep a good character and show honesty in your
life endevours.The power of kindness-don't be uncaring
Kindness is a virtue. The kindness of many has paved
way for them today,i urge you to show kindness to
others and be ready to care for others to. If one hand
washes the other, the other hand will do same.The call of duty-Don't shun responsibility
A stage comes in every mans life when you have to
show that of responsibility and being committed to a
particular thing; may be at work or even at home.
As said, charity begins at home.The wisdom of economy-don't be a spendthrift
The ability to be sensitive to your economic situation
is also an important aspect of your life. Today our
economy is in shatters an every man is being conscious
of how he spends money and how he walks with it.
So, be sensitive to your economy learn to understand the
trend that things are going.The virtue of patience-don't be impatience
Patience is a very important aspect of every well meaning
young man that has a goal for himself. Every hing must
not be in a rush that why, patience is required in a mans
life to overcome the trials of life. So, do well to apply a
little bit of patience in every thing your doing and you
see how the result will be.The improvement of skills-don't stop learning.
Today education has gone beyond just learning.
Skill is a very important aspect of every mans life. it is
essential that a man aside his educational level that
you acquire a good skill that will add to your life.
In this present century, skill is an added advantage to a
mans life to gain the right landing he is arming at.
Thanks for reading ...
Uncomplicated article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))