Growing mesembs part 4 - easy and popular plants

in #succulents7 years ago

I think I got a little carried away with the editing on some of these pictures but perhaps the weirdness helps to convey the many fascinating forms that various mesembs have. These particular plants are relatively easy to grow, like a fair amount of water and don't need too much sun to thrive. I prefer to grow them outside because they really do like fresh air. If indoors, they must have good ventilation

Faucaria, aka tiger jaws or shark teeth


Titanopsis, or Sheep tongues


Rhombophyllum look like tiny mittens to me


Trichodiadema, latin for Hairy Crown




The last two types are caudex mesembs, meaning that they have a large, swollen root system. Some people grow these for many years and then gradually expose the caudex, creating a bonsai. They look amazing but I don't think I have the patience for that.
