Cacti are not indigenous to Africa but many South African succulent Euphorbia have similar forms to cacti and have a definite resemblance to sea creatures. I got this plant as a single rooted offset but these actually form clumps so in time, the pot will be full of little spiky stalks. Like cacti, some Euphorbia have swollen stems and spikes but they also have tiny little leaves at the tip of the stem.
Euphorbia mamillaris is normally green but this one is variegated, so I decided to turn it into a black and white image.
Variegated succulents are very popular but I find that the sun is too harsh outside and I have to grow variegates like these in shade otherwise they turn completely white, which just looks weird. That makes this species difficult to grow because Euphorbia like full sun and regular watering but the soil needs to dry out very quickly, otherwise they rot, and shade makes the soil dry out more slowly so this one also grows in a clay pot and I make sure to water it lightly.
All the many succulents are fascinating; I developed a real appreciation for them when we lived in Phoenix, AZ for a while. Some of them actually had to come IN during the summer because the relentless heat and very low humidity was too much for them. When I say "heat," I mean daily 40-45+ degrees...
Egads! That is way too hot. For humans, too.
I get my succulents out of the sun once the temps go over 25. In nature, most of them grow in the shade of rocks or other plants and roasting really isn't good for them
Very beautiful Euphorbia !!!
I think that I have the same :-)))
Can I see a color photo?
Have you seen how it blooms?
I saw only in the photo.
I think that you do have this one, mine hasn't flowered yet but the flowers look great

Yes, I have this (new), the other little rotted ... I poured it ..
It is very easy to rot Euphorbia :(
Yes unfortunately...
In our city the exhibitions of the club of cacti lovers are regularly held. I was surprised at how many different kinds of cacti there are.
The variation is amazing
gotta love that bokeh :) Succulents are super facscinating, they come right after mushrooms on my list of awesome organisms :)
Smartphone actually does it quite well ;). I agree on the fascination factor
It looks really nice in a clump (had to google it of course) :)
Yes! It is going to look good once it starts offsetting and clumping
Nature colours
This is a far cousin of cacnea!
I have it too and like it very much! I keep it on half day of sun... and it is ok, actually very good. A little bit red in color .. :)