Rhombophyllum dolabriforme are really easy mesembs to keep, they don't need much sun and they like water. I really like the leaf-shapes, like little mittens. Every plant looks different and they are relatively fast growers so great for the impatient. This first one was a freebie, it came up in the pot of a different mesemb that I bought from a nursery. The decond one is a cutting that I rooted about a year ago.
Here it is flowering last spring and quite a lot smaller. Rhombophyllums als like rich soil so I plant them in straight cacti and succulent mix and leave them outside all year round under a shady tree.
Mesembs are quite easy plants to kill but this species is ideal for a beginner grower, or those who got excited with mesembs and bought all sorts of pretty, difficult plants and killed them (me) and decided to start again with difficult plants only after growing plants like these.
And an update on the Babytoes: I haven't succeeded in killing them yet, they are growing tiny new leaves and I am managing to keep my watering cup away from them. Aren't they cute! Unlike me, they are loving this cold weather. It still feels strange to me to have plants that only grow in winter. This is one of them
Beautiful !!!
On the first and second photo the flower is like a deer's horn.
Thank you!
I have no Rhombophyllum! Neither one. I have to change that. Next winter when I'll order new seeds. I like their leaf shape very much.
Do you have a lot of sun in winter?
Yes, maybe more in winter, since there are fewer clouds but it is not demanding to grow
All plants that are growing in winter in habitat and can stand light frost, I keep in winter outside in sunny spot, protected from rain and snow. (Like Titanopsis) And they are not complaining, although I have only few sunny hours and not many sunny winter days. But those that cannot stand frost have to wait until early spring/late autumn, and I have problems with them. It is not easy to endure few months in dark place with no water.
That climate conditions adjustment is the main problem with exotic plants (wildflowers to you).
And I googled now and found that Rhombophyllum can stand light frost. I like that. It could be happy here.
Do give it a try. If Titanopsis can be outside, this one can too :)
What a funky leaf shape - I love it! We all need that combination of easy to grow and difficult plants. I'm not sure what I would do if they were all difficult, but we need a challenge.
I feel so dumb and culpable when I kill plants through ignorance and inexperience. Positive experience is good to get us back to growing the more delicate ones
Me too but it's more likely I will give one to someone who kills it.
Me too but it's more
Likely I will give one to
Someone who kills it.
- kansuze
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
The babytoes are gorgeous, amazing how they love the winter temperatures.
It is weird
I really liked the plants in the last photo. Such interesting. Just like the posts grow out of the ground.
Sometimes they look like thumbs-up, and sometimes like a dolphins head :p
"or those who got excited with mesembs and bought all sorts of pretty, difficult plants and killed them" haaaa :D
Same thing happened with me and orchids. O ordered some pretty ones before checking if I can actually grow them. They didn't last one season! Lesson learned :D
I was quite amazed at myself that I haven't killed any of my orchids yet. I was given the first one and I was terrified of it
good job dear......... i am gonna join this feild.......very soon
Wow thanks for sharing @nikv ! Was just searching the name of this plant like two days ago with a friend ! I really love those one !! happy to discovered your blog :)
nice capture @ nikv. I am new to steemit. I am also a photography lover and here is a random click from my mobile phone.

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