Santa is real, but he's not who we think he is - Black Mirror Style

in #suesascience7 years ago (edited)

Source : Wallhaven

Question is "How does he know who has been bad or nice?" from

Backstory stuff

There are many reasons why we think we need to make a fictional character real to make our lives matter. It has positive and negative effects on people. Moral increases, hope increases, and just overall life improvements are made. But these fictional characters can be evil or crazy. They can scare people or children to stay away from rivers to stay alive... And areas that need to be protected will often be connected to a negative character. By having a fake thing "exist" it can often help manage security at a lower resource cost. You can also use these characters to impose personal power on others.

So, no wonder why we have Greek gods, ghosts, and demons (to name a few) as real somethings. It doesn't matter if you personally believe in any of these, but it sure makes your boring ass life a tad better if you do. Not like you do any science or thinking back in the day where life was simple. But, if you liked science then awesome! You were probably a decent human being.

After saying that though, a question must be asked. Where does Zeus, God, Athena, and the like come from? Well, they are created from human imagination. We as humans have a unique skill that allows us to be creative and unique. We can make up things for us to think about or do. We would get so bored and not grow if we just didn't have our imagination. It saves us from just living life eating stuff 24/7.

End of backstory stuff

Now, where am I taking this? Well, what if we accidentally made one of these fictional characters real? That is a serious problem to have today, regardless if it's good or bad. Humans try hard to make things real, like art, music, culture, and of course new ideas are made. Sometimes, however, we go too far with our imaginations or ideas and cause more issues instead of solving them. One of these bad idea is Santa. He was great at first, but not anymore. We ruined the concepts that made Santa great. Concepts like family, honor, friends, sharing, and more are now no longer a thing for most of us. Kids are greedy, people get killed in stores from getting stepped on, and families give no longer a damn about each other.

Santa is supposed to watch you, he knows if you're being a kind person or a bad person. How? His elves of course, they were created to innocently watch people. Kids get excited and nervous by this naturally. Parents have a fun time making the holidays great for all. But, then things changed after we began to have technology. Technology changed the world in ways we couldn't predicted. People stopped being fun and focus on things like social media and fun gadgets. We can order things instantly. We can put on videos to distract kids, without much thought now. We can now monitor our children with tech.

So Santa was close to being useless until he upgraded his workforce. Elves are too slow, costly, and uncreative. So he had to use technology like everybody else. So he created fake cameras that just have a red blinking LED inside to replace elves. As seen below... WTF?? Why? Well, kids are now being monitored in many ways... Like cameras! But wait, the entire point of elves was making sure kids behave without actually doing anything. So Santa cameras are fake... for now. He still needs to watch kids without elves now.

Source: Amazon, yes this is real

What could Santa use to watch everyone? Well he could use or make a system like NSA'S Prism program. The NSA could spy on almost anyone inside the United States or outside of the states. Most of us probably heard about Prism when the documents were first leaked. If you haven't , then I suggest reading about it. Resources are linked.

Or if you live in Sweden, your gov accidentally leaked everything about you. Santa can use this to see what you're like and find you :)

Though, this is a lot of information for a single man to read and sort though. He better create a program to do that.

Say hi to artificial intelligence, this is the motherload of today's high tech. AI is no longer a gimmick, it can do a lot like driving cars, detect if you're gay or suicidal, and it can even create a more advanced version of itself without human help. "Google’s AutoML AI Clones Itself Into a Better Version" - see link at bottom

In 2017: AI is helping Facebook market ads to people, face detection, and now...

Facebook will now accept your nudes and make a special hash (a special string) out of your nudes. This will apparently prevent revenge porn because Facebook will not allow re-uploading your nudes (thx to the hash) to other people using FB owned apps. They will then notify the sender about this incident.

So, sweet little Santa can learn AI and programming to help him with anything he wants. He could easily adjust some machine learning algorithms to see micro expressions in your face to see if you're nice. Then he could add his system to all of your devices with all the data collected previously from other systems. This is how we created Santa for real, hell, we could even design a full Santa AI and body. Why?....Well, why not?

I hope you enjoyed reading this :) Santa will be watching you this Christmas watching

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