Bitter Experiences Caused by Unfortunate Situations

in #suffering7 years ago


I have seen so many kids who move around the community holding little bowls on their hands that they use to get money from people who pass by the street, I get usually puzzled by the day as their numbers increased gradually.

I was eager to know what the reason why any parent will let their child beg on the street, something must be really wrong I said aloud unconsciously.
My friend was surprised to see me talking to myself and using my hands to describe as I murmured loudly, so she quickly came to me and asked, David I hope everything is fine because I have never seen you act in this mood before, you must be really deep in thought because I have never seen this unhappy before, I have even been watching from a distance for a while and you didn't even realize that someone was observing.

When I explained the things that were running through my mind to her, she quickly said she has been thinking in a similar way and she thinks the interrogation will be a great idea. So we started the interrogation that same day we both made the decision and I will like to briefly share with you what the outcome was.

The First Kid.

Kid : Good evening uncle, please give me money to eat.

Me: I will definitely give you money, but I will like to discuss some things with you and I will be happy if you could answer me.

Kid: I will definitely answer you as long as you promise to give me money.

Me: Why are you begging

Kid : Because my Mum asked me to beg

Me: But, why will your Mum do a thing like that, knowing fully well that it is unsafe for you.

Kid: She has no other option, we have to beg to survive.

Me: Do you go to school at all?

Kid: No, I don't , because we do not even have enough money to eat talk more of paying school fee.

Me: What does your Mum do for a living.

Kid: She stays under a tree to plait hair for anyone that comes to her and she gets paid for it. She sells pure water too.

Me: What about your Dad?

Kid: He is dead.

I was so sad and I asked to see his Mum, so he quickly knelt and said : Uncle, are you a police man and do you want to get my mum arrested? please don't do this to us.


I quickly replied by saying: Common my friend, I am not a police officer neither do I want to get your Mum arrested, I only want to help her.

The Kid quickly said, okay Sir, let us go.

When I got to his mother's place, I was surprised to see the way they lived. They lived in a broken car that looks as f the owner will not need it any time soon, she had a little firewood and a small pot which she uses to prepare food for herself and her son everyday. She explained that they use to live in wealth before so she decided to quit her job under the pressure she received from her husband, she was constantly asked by her in laws to leave the house if she could not produce a male child but her husband bluntly refused on several occasions because he loved her so dearly.

But, unfortunately after the death of her husband, she was sent parking out of the house and all the properties were forcefully collected from her , the excuse they gave was that she had no male child for their son.
She started living that way because of her husband's family because she had no one to run to. I felt really sad for her and I made certain promises to her that made feel very grateful as she thanked me continuously . Those promises I will like to keep personal because of some reasons.

I am aware of the fact that it might be really dangerous to help some of this people because they use it to carry out wicked plans as well, but some of them are really genuine.

Follow up to hear more heart touching stories about this beggars.

Thanks for going through my post, I hope I get some wonderful up votes, comments and resteems. Thank you once again


It's nice to see you reaching out to help. As with every other thing tho, thread the path with your eyes wide open.

Great deeds my friend