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RE: I Dare You To Pretend To Love Yourself For Just One Day

in #suicide7 years ago

Let me borrow the powerful lyrics of the song The greatest love of all by the late Whitney Houston. "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all" I am fortunate to work and see suicidal people on case to case basis. People who had significant history of depression, abuse and trauma in their lives. Some of them are with ongoing counselling, on medication and others are first timers. They are self cutters and suicidal.Don't want to live anymore. And you asked how are they going to kill themselves and some of them will tell you taking multiple type of drugs. Some of the drugs are prescribed for their depression, bipolar and mania.It is so sad that through the years we cannot put a stop or maybe decrease the volume of people taking suicide. It is a serious matter. Through decades, we made wonderful advancement finding a cure to some illness but the emotional and psychological aspect of what making us human comes second or not at all. On the other hand, there's a lot of factors that we have to consider why an individual would want to commit suicide. And one factor begins within one self, our perspective on how we view and treat ourselves.Other factors such as bad experiences,different type of abuse childhood and adult,standard of society, poverty,not having an intact good support system, social media, etc... It is a vast topic to discuss. Anyway, @stellabelle stay strong, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! May you have a wonderful new year full of possibilities and healthy self esteem.