If Bitcoin continues to go up in value 50% each year, 1000 dollars invested today will be worth over 50,000 in 10 years!
But Warren Buffett explains an investment that's even better than Bitcoin, stocks, etc.
This video gives a couple ideas about investing in your MOST VALUABLE ASSET -
Some highlights -
-Get use out of your "own talents first"
-Why your skills / ability are so useful
-An average student worth at least 500,000 USD
-on Admiration and developing Good Habits
-Do these things.. "And you basically can't miss"
from CSPAN 1999
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-Warren Buffett - Motivational Advice To Young People
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The #1 Lesson Warren Buffett Learned From Charlie Munger-
If you wish to register click to link
Onelife-https://www.onelife.eu/signup/ismael18 TheGCC coin-https://www.thegccgroup.com/?ref=ismael10 Btconnect- https://bitconnect.co/?ref=ismael2017
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