The End of summer

in #summer20205 years ago

Summer 2020 has been anything but normal. We entered into it with not much expectation. COVID-19 is on the forefront of everyone's mind. With that said, I think it has been one where I really learn much about the Earth, especially around the idea of taking care of the earth by gardening.

To say that I am not much of a gardener is an understatement. I didn't think much about it previously. I love to eat products from my mom's and wife's garden, but it has never been something that I look forward to doing. With so much time and no where to go, I came to understand and enjoyed the activities tremendously.


I learn to appreciate the flowers when they bloomed because I worked so hard earlier in the season preparing that flower.


I think the cucumbers and the harvest that I cultivated from the garden taste so much better than anything else that can be bought. Some of that may just be psychological, but I like the stimulant.


They smell better. They look better. The colors are more vibrant!




At times, you may even consider yourself a genius for coming up with ways to emulate nature.


Each time you do something new and some results come, you learn something to put in your pocket for future applications. It's a wonderful feeling.


So summer 2020, game on! We still have another month to go.. I am ready to finish you out strong.


Gardens are looking nice!

What other veggies besides cucumbers did you grow?