Sunday Top 5 Lists - Top 5 Best DC Movies

in #sundaytop5lists7 years ago (edited)

DC has some good and bad movies ,
But most of the new movies are barely decent ,
And today i want to revisit the good ones,
Lets take a look at the

Top 5 Best DC Movies

#5. Batman Begins

This is the first Batman movie from Cristopher Nolan,
And in this movie we get the story and origin of Batman,
We have seen this a lot of time but this movie does this greatly,
It creates an awesome atmosphere and that adds a lot to this movie,
Christian Bale as Batman was a great choice,
We get to see the actor's hard work and it pays off,
This movie was a great one.

#4. Batman Returns

This movie managed to pull of
Not one, but 2 great villians,
Danny De Vito was the perfect choice for penguin,
And we got a pretty great Catwoman as well,
This movie has a darker tone than the last movie,
And it does it really good,
This movie hits in all the right places,
Amazing soundtrack,awesome costumes,
Great casting and some classic bad guy action.


#3. Wonder Woman

I reviewed this movie recently,
So if you want to check that out,
As i said yesterday this movie gave us hope for the DCEU,
There are so many elements that came together,
To make this movie great, even thought it was a simple story,
This movie still felt fresh,
This movie gave us some great iconic movie moments,
And this movie is worth your time and more trust me.

#2. Superman (1978)

This movie is still the best Superman movie out there,
The origin of Superman is told in this epic film.
Christopher Reeve handles both sides of Superman greatly,
That's why for me he is the definitive version of Superman.
This movie made us believe that a man can fly,
The set designs are great and have become iconic,
This movie is serious when it needs to be,
But funny in the right moments.

#1. The Dark Knight

In an older post I talked about this movie,
It's not just my favorite DC movie,
But my favorite superhero movie too.
Heath Ledger knocked his role out of the park,
He was a great pick as the Joker and devoted himself to the role,
And he made it perfect.
Harvey Dent's story is handled very well too,
This movie is an iconic Batman movie that everyone should watch,
It's really amazing.

That was my list,
Leave any suggestion for a top 5 in the comments below,
But until next time,

Have A Great Day @Steemitwarrior


idk what to tell u!
this list is ok, i would take this movies into another order - but u got the best dc movies in top 5 !!

please post ur top charakter, or shows of arrowverse!!!

will do for the next sunday