Taking the kids to school this morning, I noticed the increased mist in the estuary and decided to drive a little further, after I dropped off the kids. I was rewarded with very cool landscape.
This image is tinkered a little in Photoshop.
Here is the original.
I can't decide, apart from the cropping if it is any better.
Here are more from the same sequence, again, these are raw and straight from the iPhone.
Hoped you enjoy these, it was very calming to soak in this scene and a few other people stopped to watch the dawn.
Thinking of capturing the sun rising on the Winter Equinox, the shortest day.
What do you think?
nice pictures :)
I think it's a great landscape and photo with my friend.! thank you for sharing with us
Thank you, very kind.
Followed and resteemed.Just checked out your work, @artizm. Love it.
@lyndoman Beautiful ! Picture number two is perfect :) Best wishes, @splendorhub
Thanks for the feedback. Interesting that you prefer the unedited version.