Haloha steemians😊👋 just want to share to you my photos I took awhile ago. These are about the sunset ( Again ) 😅
Being a student, I always used to walk on the bridge here in Cebu EVERYDAY when I went home. And while walking, I like to take some pictures either on the sea, on the road , everywhere.
Suddenly, something catched my attention. And as I look at it, I was stunned on what I saw. The sunset. So i took a picture of it eventhough I was on the middle of the bridge 😅
I watched it for a while, ignoring the other humans looking at me 😅. Im just feeling wonderful on what I looking at. Until it went down and down.
And down 😊
Then , as I continued to walk, a famous sunset qoute I remembered,
Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day - Rachel Boston
How I wish I can still watch more sunsets, beautiful sunsets 😊.
That's all , little Man out 😊👋