Hi all! I'd like to participates in Sunset/Sunrise Contest by @juliank. Got this info through the blogwalking over @kitchenfairy pages, thanks ;)
So, this is it, my photos of sunrise at Bromo Mountain, East Java, Indonesia
Bromo mountain, consider as sacred place by Tengger tribes, the indigenous population there. Tengger itself taken from the name of Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger. This couples believed as the ancestor of the Tengger tribes. Legend said that initialy, this couples were childless, thus they beg to the God of Bromo. The God then gives them 25 childs, but demands the last ones, the 25th childs named Kesuma to be sacrificed to Him. Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger refused to fulfilled the God of Bromo stipulation, but then the disaster cames, and its made them forcefully let Kesuma to be sacrificed by thrown Him to the crater. This story then continues as tradition of Yadnya Kasada, which lasts until now. Every months of Kasada (based on Javanese calendar), the Tengger tribes would held a big ceremonies, and thrown sacrifices (crops) into the Bromo crater.
Well, comes to Bromo! Eventhough it takes 5 hours driving from Surabaya, the 2nd largest city in Indonesia, but it will paid with the stunning panoramas and good vibes surround it.
Thanks for the visit!
Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia!
Foto2 saman apik tenan, mas. Aku rung tau Nang Bromo, mas @yogifajri 😅
Moga menang yah 👍👍👍
Matur nuwun mbak, hehe wah musti disempetke mbak kalo pas mampir Indonesia
amiin amiin, moga sampeyan menang juga mbak :D