thanks. mostly i use the camera on my phone for work related things but since i didn't have my usual camera with me i gave the phone a go and was very happy how the pictures turned out. i had to correct the exposure though, the phone couldn't handle taking directly into the sun so the originals were too dark
The shorts are really great indeed, it looks great though. now the mobile camera are really great and some are pretty amazing. Now a days everyone have a smartphone with many camera in it all the users they all are photographer. But the real photographs don't need a camera they have skills to capture the perfect shot that you have.
thanks. mostly i use the camera on my phone for work related things but since i didn't have my usual camera with me i gave the phone a go and was very happy how the pictures turned out. i had to correct the exposure though, the phone couldn't handle taking directly into the sun so the originals were too dark
The shorts are really great indeed, it looks great though. now the mobile camera are really great and some are pretty amazing. Now a days everyone have a smartphone with many camera in it all the users they all are photographer. But the real photographs don't need a camera they have skills to capture the perfect shot that you have.