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RE: Sun Thursday peaking over the horizon

in #sunthursday7 years ago (edited)

Congratulations, Jj! That is a huge loss, which means you are doing everything right!

Your early morning wanderings are inspiring to get up go! I have a Civil War Battlefield that I walk to if it is before the sun comes up. I love the colors you picked up and the birds playing on the sandbar.

A wonderful day to you! Keep up the good work!


Thanks :) yes these walks I lov doing and they help with the diet of course so its a gretat bonus

Quite pleased with myself I must admit and keeping working n it till I get to my goal

Can’t believe I gave up Coca Cola I was an addict to it LOL

Have a great day

I have to admit, sometimes it is easier (not quite the word I wanted, but) to give up something that you are addicted to than something you don't do as much. You are forced to keep the control, day in and out. The other, you don't do it often enough for it to be an issue.

More dangerous methinks. Great job! Keep up the good!

Thanks ohh yes I m have struggled to much in the first 2 or 3 weeks to go back now

I will meet my goal without a doubt :)