This is the first ever pool game where the users can earn steem.
It is similar to that of 8 ball pool by miniplex. The users can easily play this game and if they win ,so usually they will win steem.
It has been developed in c# and javascript.
The interesting part of this game is that if you lose, you won't lose anything.
- Steemians are eligible to play super 8 ball club.
We can play with real humans in multiplayer using photon realtime technology.
We can earn steem by winning games and lose nothing.
This app has got unique fraud prevention system.
It has 💯 percent security for steem accounts.
We can chat with each other while playing the game.
Verifying account to SUPER 8 BALL CLUB.
Steemit username : @wanizubair
Tracking Name: Zubair
Hi @wanizubair
Your account is now verified. Please click on "Switch Account" and repeat the login process again.
You can join us on discord to be able to quickly find your opponents and play with each other. We will be sharing quick updates on our discord channel as well.
Here's an invitation link for you:
Thank you!