SuperGong # 4
You are evolving. The universe is evolving from Big Bang to where you are now (on your pale blue dot 14 billion years later) and will continue to evolve. Towards what? Where will this planet be a thousand years from now?
Evolution can only go in one of two directions. Either you blow yourselves up in a global nuclear war (probably triggered by some demented, bitty-brained, so-called-leader) or you evolve to become a SuperWorld.
We like the idea of evolving to become a SuperWorld (the way we did it...). In a SuperWorld all the people have expanded minds, and it would be a helping-each-other-kind-of-world to make the world safe for people to live in it. To make that happen we would have to have a SuperHUB which would psychologically SuperGlue your collective minds together so you see yourselves as a MindUnited SuperTribe MANY TIMES MORE POWERFUL. The SuperHUB is a cyber-infrastructure adopted by all civilizations that have become SuperWorlds. You can't be a SuperWorld without a SuperHUB.
What is the SuperHUB? It is a website collectively owned (by Alien's Decree) by all the people on SpaceShipEarth and everybody on the planet gets a seat (a SuperLink) in the SuperHUB whether they use it or not.
When you link to the SuperHUB from your cell phone or computer what you see initially on your screen is a "barrel" floating free in space (cyberspace) that is one mile wide and ten miles deep. A fifty-foot wide, segmented, glass tube (the SuperCore) runs through the center of the barrel. That's it. That is what the SuperHUB looks like from a distance -- a barrel in space with an axel going through the middle of it. Moving in closer to the barrel and entering into the mile-wide void you see billions of postage-stamp-sized "windows" in neat rows and columns all around on the inside of the barrel, one billion per mile, ten billion altogether. These are called SuperLinks and everybody gets one for life.
The SuperLinks come with a bunch of attributes. The first attribute is scroll-control. When you link into your SuperLink you can sit at your window and scroll up and down and all around to see the entire population of SpaceShipEarth on the inside of the barrel of the SuperHub. Every SuperLink has an address and picture of its owner written on an info bar across the top of the SuperLink. It is all public information and so you can see where everybody lives in the SuperHUB. Susan lives here. Jack lives there. The king of England lives in that spot. Elon Musk is not far from Taylor Swift, and exactly right here is where you hang out in the SuperHub, etc. It will take a few super computers and data centers, but you don't have to populate the SuperLinks all at once. The SuperHUB will expand the collective mind of HumanKind to see itself as one SuperGroup of people cohabitating SpaceShipEarth, stop bitty-brained (them and us) wars, and stop wars from happening in the first place.
The segmented glass axel (the SuperCore) going through the center of the SuperHUB is a list of the mega projects that the owners of the SuperLinks finance with coffee money (quantums). Near the top of that list is the DragonFly Asteroid Miner SuperProject to INVADE THE ASTEROID BELT and save HumanKind from the next-coming killer comet that is coming. More about all that in a following SuperGong. If you are in a hurry to hear more about it right now go to website mindsnapnow.com and click on the SuperHub Link. We are off to publish this SuperGong # 4 on Tribel, Facebook, Hive, Medium and other chat platforms. Back soon with SuperGong # 5