Superior Coin On The Move
The Secret Is Out Superior Coin, Community driven continues to thrive for greater heights.
With a great team leading, changes happening in the background all the time, many are working to accomplish/establish this crypto currency for medium/small business, and entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs can make great strides into Social Media using the platform Kryptonia to share content to any URL, many are growing in Steemit since finding Kryptonia community.
Let's meet the team, some you may know or recognize from social media elsewhere, all have a presence on Steemit and Kryptonia.
Michael Senn
CEO SuperiorCoin ,
Michael hails from Arkansas, America now living in San Pedro Sula, Honduras with his lovely family. Catering to small business in wireless technology/secruity, an in-depth knowledge on blockchain technology/cryptocurrency and programming.
CEO of Superior Coin and runs global operations; along with development within the Central and South America area of operations.
(Strong Business acumen in planning, management, development and analysis helps Superior Coin stand on a firm footing.)
Recent achievements:
June 2016 Fifth Place Web Site Design USA Nationals
Phi Beta Lambda Future Business Leaders of America
April 2016 - First Place Web Site Design Arkansas
Phi Beta Lambda Future Business Leaders of America
April 2016 -Outstanding Academic Award Accounting
South Arkansas College
YouSearch Search Engine
September 2011 to present
I'm currently indexing the top one million sites on the internet to make them searchable! Have supported this project making the internet a safer place for children to browse withouth being taken to porn sites or instrusive viewing sites.
(I feel confident Nathan will continue with this project once Superior Coin is running smoothly, when more time will be available. My first aquaintance with Nathan was through this project.)
Superior Coin
November 2016 to present
Superior Coin is a secure, private, untraceable currency. Unlike many crypto currencies that are derivatives of Bitcoin, Superior Coin is based on the CryptoNote protocol and possesses significant algorithmic differences relating to blockchain obfuscation.
Superior Coins main emission curve will have issued about 1.5 billion coins to be mined in over 30+ years. Superior Coin protects privacy in three ways for all transactions on the network: 1 ring signatures hide the sending address, 2 RingCT hides the amount of the transaction, and 3 stealth addresses hide the receiving address of the transaction.
August 2017 to present
Founder and lead programmer, a site to work with Superior Coin.
Read the story on Nathan Senn's history with Superior Coin
John Gentry
Senior Advisor at Superior Coin
North Pole, Alaska
John J Gentry is a lifelong adventure travel enthusiast and international manager, philanthropist.
Spent 2011-2015 developing an international team in HsinChu, Taiwan.
For kicks, he studied in Alaska 2008-2010 international history for a greater understanding in his adventure travels.
John has had some great experiences, and successes traveling around the world documenting his travels with his family via Now assisting other travelers, travel bloggers with advice on how to make a living from travel with cryptocurrencies, which Explore Traveler has been doing since 2011.
Recent update John is planning to work more into South America
Colin Sydes
Marketing Manager
Superior Coin January 2018 to present
Colin enjoys people, with a passion in marketing, using exceptional talents learned over the years.
Previously worked in various management positions with Nokia 2002-2014, transferring to Microsoft 2014-2015 with the sale of the Nokia Mobile Phone Division.
2015 Colin started venturing into cryptocurrencies, researching how they could be used. Superior Coin becoming his home along with Kryptonia toward the end of 2017.
British by birth, living in Finland with a deep love for his adopted country, added to the mix a wicked sense of humour.
Currently running a variety of posts utilizing talents learned:
Daily Faucet Results
Daily Crypto Values

- Project Manager for Superior Coin
Bojak appears to be quiet and unassuming, till you know him!
With great passion for what he does Bojak connects, shares, is extremely vocal on ideas he feels warrant attention.
Enjoys working quietly in the background, meticulous in assisting programming, problem solving, answering questions or giving direction.
Planning for the future is on-going, updates will be forthcoming from the recent weeks of planning done in Arkansas, America.
Here is the Roadmap from what has happened from the beginning of this year, keeping an eager watch on what will change, additions being added now that the meeting has concluded. Update Coming Soon
GUI Wallet recently upgraded, hardfork took place, Kryptonia and Superior Coin sites are being continuously worked on to make the experience easier for anyone joining up.
With help on so many platforms new arrivals to Kryptonia, or Superior Coin mining will find help, with eager community helping each other build.
Latest News: Drive is being made to be on more Exchanges, 4 listed on the Superior Coin site currently. If you have a minute join in trying to obtain a place on CryptalDash Exchange -
You Tube Video (Click on image, will take you to You Tube)More about @CryptalDash

Thought for Today: “There are 3 eras of currency: Commodity based, politically based, and now, math based.” - Chris Dixon

Congratulations @joanstewart ! You received a 10% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia for your 1st task Today.
Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot
Run a task on Kryptonia.
Use the tags KRYPTONIA or SUPERIORCOIN in your Steemit post.
Delegate to the Kryptonia Upvote by clicking links: 10SP , 50SP , 100SP , 500SP , 1000SP , 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.
Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.
After reading this information about the Superiorcoin, I have purchased 98,000 SUP and am feeling glad about it.
Thanks, team is drive by community support and a love for what we do.
Kryptonia#crypto 4 All 2 Afford on
Thank you for mentioning my name. I truly love the support you have given the community.
Nurturing a smaller coin, serving a community driven project over-coming obstacles together, team members are always available to assist, mentioning what you doing quietly in the background is a pleasure.
Your post was resteemed by @resteemza
Please upvote this reply to help us grow
Kryptonia and superiorcoin team have done a lot of effort to make this platform successful. Im very grateful to the team coz im enjoying the fruit of their labor by giving me more upvotes and at the same time earning sup coins. thank you!
Slow growth on a good foundation makes for a better future @croxdragnel
I support superiorcoin and Kryptonia! This is going to be big !
Introduction to classical-music via tasks and enjoying your music, thanks @bernardtjames
The team has potential let's see how the coin works.
Coins are working already on exchanges, doing tasks within @kryptonia with many members enjoying the fruits of the labor, look forward to seeing you @steem0
Kryptonia has been one of the best, if not the best thing I discovered on Steemit. I have no idea how people get anywhere without the help of Kryptonia.
I'm sharing this on other networks. Thank you!
Enjoyed doing your tasks and learning more about what you do @reonlouw
The team is working very hard for this platform to succeed. Im very grateful for this because it helps my steemit posts a lot and at the same time im gaining superiorcoins too.
It is a win/win situation @rubelynmacion
Visiting by way of @kryptonia. Thanks for the informative article. Enjoying Kryptonia and Superior Coin
Great to have you on board @the-witty-waiter
Nice to finally meet the team, great work. Kryptonia has been very helpful
Someone will always help, nice to meet you @shollstun
Yes, it's good you're one of those someones. Nice meeting you too @joanstewart
I have really seen SUP coin grow in use lately, so you guys must be doing something right. Nice to have the whole team list :)
Growth during difficult crypto times is a great sign that the community are working together .
Nice the team has been doing their best to make kryptonia a success. :) I hope they will succeed and make superiorcoin soar high in the near future . Good luck and may god bless all the members of the team :)
Updates and changes happening all the time, team members growing with community assisting makes this an interesting coin.
A good post that a lot of people will enjoy reading. Enhorabuena.@bon-nom
Appreciate you visit @bon-nom
Thank you for sharing information,it is really good to know, the profound team behind this growing community.
Many people are helping from all parts of the world @platyrhodon
I see great people monitoring this project, it shows how save it is to work with this team. I support superior coin
Inviting people to start somewhere for free and learn to earn, this coin has a lot to offer @jacobzeema showing a true UBUNTU spirit.
for me, this platform will be so much more successful in the future and superiorcoin will reach to the moon.
When we past the moon we will carry on to mars @bigmike420
ill always support kryptonia and superiorcoin for the rest of my life
Patience, working together this will be a good place to be @valedjiemedellin
A great list of teams full with lot of potentials.....
Plenty still to come @awosode the dev team are quietly working as we speak.
i am so hopeful that kryptonia will go to the moon, and we will become rich. thank you so much for your unending support
You are welcome @sorenkierkegaard
Here to support Superior coin any way i can! Thanks for posting!
Great to hear you are supporting @hospash0515
Fantastic post, very informative and I am very proud to be part of such a fantastic community.
ThanksSome awesome challenges I have seen coming from your direction @socialmediaseo
Awesome, nice work!!!
You are welcome @jag5096
Thank you so much for the intro @joanstewart, will check this all out, especially #kryptonia!
One place to join without outlay of money, a place to share into Steemit without asking people @lizelle
Means working with two cryptocurrencies, most of what we do today is learn, it's fun!
I really have hope in supercoin. I have this feeling ...somethings gonna be amazing to happen. And it seems so close to reality👏👏👏
Working together is fun @fabio2614