I think it's a good time to buy superiorcoin with the prices being so low
What is superiorcoin
Superior Coin is a secure, private, untraceable currency. Unlike many crypto currencies that are derivatives of Bitcoin, Superior Coin is based on the CryptoNote protocol and possesses significant algorithmic differences relating to blockchain obfuscation. Superior Coins main emission curve will have issued about 1.5 billion coins to be mined in over 30+ years. Superior Coin protects privacy in three ways for all transactions on the network: 1 ring signatures hide the sending address, 2 RingCT hides the amount of the transaction, and 3 stealth addresses hide the receiving address of the transaction.
Exchange and latest price
Latest price: 0.00000058 BTC
Sell orders
Buy orders
More info can be found at: http://superior-coin.com/
Source of what is superiorcoin text: http://superior-coin.com/