Price Today
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $11,041.50
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000028
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0031
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000030
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0033
SUP BTC ( = 0.00000027
SUP USD ( = $0.0030
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $3.81
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $3.95
Price Yesterday
BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $10,956.20
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000029
SUP USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0032
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000031
SUP USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0034
SUP BTC ( = 0.00000027
SUP USD ( = $0.0030
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $3.77
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $3.77
Thanks for the update. Glad to see that STEEm and SBD finally looks to be stabilizing. Now we just need Bitcoin to stop its fall, and start to climb again!
People need to HODL.
Daily Steemit Faucet post for 18th January 2018 FAUCET OPEN
Good update.
Thanks for the update
I can see btc price is better than yesterday
very impression your post, I really like, I want to like you what is its secret?
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No secret. I enter the amounts in an excel spreadsheet and run a macro and it creates the post text for me.
Thanks for your review. The steady price indicates the stability of SUP ;-)
Useful information, thanks for the update @sydesjokes
THAnks for the daily updates
@sydesjokes thanks for the information. Bitcoin is really declining.
Just a bit as the same for all cryptocurrencies but will recover.
Good update. Thank you.
nice post bro
Los precios se recuperan... Y era hora de una corrección de precios.. ya era una locura.. lol
Thanks for daily updates.
There's quite a bit of green on the screen today.
all hail superiorcoin
Nice prices
Love the daily updates! Buy Buy Buy then Hold Hold Hold! :)
thanks good
little increases in today's coin.
They stabilize
Great info :)
nice post. i see a lot of your followers are concerned about the decline. not me!
Prediction? When this will go up against USD?
Thanks for your review. The steady price indicates the stability of SUP ;-)
Thanks for the update
Useful information, thanks for the update @sydesjokes
Great info