Today's Coin Prices
Currency | Exchange | Coin Price | Daily Change +/- |
BTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $8984.06 | -$348.06 |
EOS USD | CoinMarketCap | $16.95 | -$1.55 |
ETH USD | CoinMarketCap | $657.92 | -$26.85 |
LTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $145.05 | -$6.21 |
MANNA USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0088 | -$0.0005 |
SBD USD | CoinMarketCap | $3.16 | -$0.26 |
STEEM USD | CoinMarketCap | $3.72 | -$0.31 |
SUP BTC/USD | BTC Alpha | $0.0021 | $0.0000 |
SUP BTC/USD | SouthXchange | $0.0016 | -$0.0005 |
SUP BTC/USD | | $0.0014 | -$0.0004 |
XMR USD | CoinMarketCap | $231.00 | -$15.37 |
XRP USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.81 | -$0.04 |
XVG USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0758 | +$0.0074 |
Yesterdays Coin Prices
Currency | Exchange | Coin Price |
BTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $9332.12 |
EOS USD | CoinMarketCap | $18.50 |
ETH USD | CoinMarketCap | $684.77 |
LTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $151.26 |
MANNA USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0093 |
SBD USD | CoinMarketCap | $3.42 |
STEEM USD | CoinMarketCap | $4.03 |
SUP BTC/USD | BTC Alpha | $0.0021 |
SUP BTC/USD | SouthXchange | $0.0021 |
SUP BTC/USD | | $0.0018 |
XMR USD | CoinMarketCap | $246.37 |
XRP USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.85 |
XVG USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0684 |
MANNA is distributed by a nonprofit organization as a Universal Basic Income. Automated distributions send MANNA to all participants on a regular, ongoing basis. It is listed on CoinMarketCap with a current price of approximately $0.01.
#Kryptonia #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Bitcoin #SuperiorCoin#Steemit #SBD #Steem #SteemDollar
Thank you!
Happy international worker's day. Health and prosperity.
Thanks for this
EOS why😢
Nice and Subjective content.
Thanks for your review
Prices hitting the DOWN BUTTON......
Good stuff
@sydesjokes are you on discord?
Thanks for your updates :)
Thanks for the update
PD: @kryptonia ´task
The sbd is going down again?? :(
Que bueno estar informado.
I didn't realize that Manna was at .01 (or close to it). I guess I need to revisit my account there.
Gracias por la información. Que tengamos todos un maravilloso día.
Manna move up please. Steem and SBD hold steady.
Thank you for the information.
Always helps to see that the market is moving for all in the same direction ...
nice concept...
Prices were looking good at the end of the month. Let's hope that trend continues in the Merry Month of May. Here is a picture of the @SuperiorCoin Tree and it is going to start making it's move up the list of top performing cryptocurrencies soon. I just feel it. In July, we are coming up on the first year after the Great and Crowdicrap community of make believe split. The people behind SuperiorCoin invented which does wonders against those "Snot Goblins" and "Slime Goblins". Talking about Goblins if you haven't read the short story, "The Slime Goblin A Coinophia Tale" by the talented and ever funny Ms. Jacqui Cooper then I suggest you get on over to Amazon and get you a copy of this fantasy fiction little book. I think I paid $4 or $5 USD to get my copy. If I can get my copy signed by the author I think it will make my copy worth at least $1, lol. Just kidding. Because it doesn't have a lot of signed copies yet and hasn't sold a whole bunch of copies that I am aware of, yet it could be one of those rare books later. Hey a guy can have big dreams, can't he? I just need to get across the pond aka the Atlantic ocean to Britain and track down Ms. Jacqui and beg her to sign my copy then wait. Laugh at me now will you? No really laugh because it could happen, but and that community are no laughing matter it is going to see $1.00 USD/SUP by the second year if not even higher before July 2019. If you buy now or soon a couple hundred dollar investment could be a nice return in a year and if it doesn't happen, a couple of decent @Steemit posts could easily make that loss up. #YOLO I have included a picture of a Snot Goblin and well the other picture is the coolest little dog, Bang Bang, with my copy of the greatest little book ever written.
This was done by the CTO of Superior Coin if I am not mistaken, Nathan Senn, and I apologize if I am wrong. I know I didn't do it.
Here he is making his behind the Steemit scenes debut "BANG BANG" the amazing sleeping dog.

this info so useful!
Thanks for sharing! Happy international worker's day.
Nice one, keep it up
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Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.
Thanks for these update
Good update thanks
Thank you for the update
Thanks for sharing this update
Muy buen aporte (Y).
Thank you Colin for serving us with the details every day. Much obliged!
The spread of steem to sbd now is quite big it is now too expensive leasing SP using sbd.😥
Thanks for your updates !!