Today's Coin Prices
Currency | Exchange | Coin Price | Daily Change +/- |
BTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $7627.76 | -$6.14 |
EOS USD | CoinMarketCap | $14.02 | -$0.09 |
ETH USD | CoinMarketCap | $608.22 | -$0.66 |
LTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $121.82 | +$0.17 |
MANNA USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0053 | +$0.0001 |
SBD USD | CoinMarketCap | $1.74 | -$0.02 |
STEEM USD | CoinMarketCap | $2.34 | -$0.03 |
SUP BTC/USD | BTC Alpha | $0.0007 | $0.0000 |
SUP BTC/USD | SouthXchange | $0.0008 | $0.0000 |
SUP BTC/USD | | $0.0011 | -$0.0002 |
XMR USD | CoinMarketCap | $166.00 | -$1.38 |
XRP USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.68 | $0.00 |
XVG USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0392 | -$0.0007 |
Yesterdays Coin Prices
Currency | Exchange | Coin Price |
BTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $7633.90 |
EOS USD | CoinMarketCap | $14.11 |
ETH USD | CoinMarketCap | $608.88 |
LTC USD | CoinMarketCap | $121.65 |
MANNA USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0052 |
SBD USD | CoinMarketCap | $1.76 |
STEEM USD | CoinMarketCap | $2.37 |
SUP BTC/USD | BTC Alpha | $0.0007 |
SUP BTC/USD | SouthXchange | $0.0008 |
SUP BTC/USD | | $0.0013 |
XMR USD | CoinMarketCap | $167.38 |
XRP USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.68 |
XVG USD | CoinMarketCap | $0.0399 |
MANNA is distributed by a nonprofit organization as a Universal Basic Income. Automated distributions send MANNA to all participants on a regular, ongoing basis. It is listed on CoinMarketCap with a current price of approximately $0.01.
#SuperiorCoin with #Kryptonia = #Upvotes on #Steemit
Hello sir, good to see you again.Thanks for your update, it's a very helpful post.Keep updating us sir.
Help get SuperiorCoin listed on CryptalDash Exchange
Special Offer
Get 1300 SUP for 1 SBD
Charlie Lee shares his personal Crypto Investment Portfolio
The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same
SBD value decreased again, that's bad.
No it's not bad. The price goes up and down.
Thank you
Thanks for the updates Mr Colin :)
That's nice....Today's update came a little earlier.
Prices dropped again
Yes it may go higher tomorrow that is SBD for you @hillaryoki.
Thank you for updating us sir.
Nice one
Thank you
sbd .enjoy the ride
Thank you for update
I will support superior coin
SUP is doing well
Am really watching BTC, thanks for your chat
Nice update
Thanks for your updates !!
Thanks once again
Devoted for being spam.