Win $5 USD or SBD at MMG's King of The Hill - Smash Bros. Online Event[1/10/18 7pm est]

koth-ig-sq-weather.jpgIt's time for King of The Hill! Your chance to win Cash(USD), SBD & other prizes by competing live on Stream!

Click Here to View Live Stream

King of The Hill(KOTH) is a Super Smash Bros. 4 event held live on, weekly, by Money Match Gaming.

Participants compete for their chance to win $5, should they win 10 matches on stream. The matches do not need to be consecutive and competitors have the ability to change characters each round. Should a competitors on top of the hill lose, they will be placed in rotation at the bottom of the hill. We will keep the competitor in rotation until they have not shown up 3 times.

KOTH Rules & Procedure

January 10, 2018 7:30 pm (EST)

Tournament Structure:
2 Stock - Tournament Friendly Maps - Winner = First to 10 wins

Upvotes for MMG Community

IF you are a competitor of the MMG community competing in today's event. Comment beneath this post with your Twitch username and NNID for a upvote from an MMG admin. This will also count as your signup for today's event if you have not already done so by entering MMG's Twitch chat and typing "!join" followed by your nnid.

View Live Stream Here

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Guess i missed it.

no. The event starts at 7pm EST. Stream is just starting up