Will There Be a Third Celebrity Death? Debbie Reynolds, Mother of Carrie Fisher, Rushed to Hospital

in #superstitions8 years ago

I mean no disrespect to the recent deaths of George Michael and Carrie Fisher, but the thought of the superstition of celebrity death rule of threes keeps rattling in my head, and now there's been word of whom that third might be...

I don't really believe in it. Celebrities die every day. However, I do find it interesting how when major celebrities die how much of an impact on society it has.

And lets not forget that many people die all the time - so much war is a huge cause of it that needs to stop.

I hope that Debbie Reynolds recovers. I also hope we don't get a third, but if there is then perhaps there's something behind these celebrity death in three's idea.



At least me and my echochamber know we were right: