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RE: Seeking Some Help. Do Traumatic Images & Memories Ever Go Away?

in #support5 years ago (edited)

Sounds like your life has been one bout of traumatic stress after another. I hope I don't offend you, but have you talked to a therapist about possibly having PTSD? Given your story, I'd recommend it. I worked with vets at a VA hospital and many soldiers I know with PTSD are embracing marijuana to successfully ease some of their pains. Another promising way soldiers have been able to "ghost" some of the gruesome and painful images in their minds is to replace them with different images--believe it or not, repetitive old-school video games like Tetris and Pong help in this regard. (Better for the mind to see building blocks than flying debris, I suppose.) Good luck.


Thanks for your advice. I probably have some from a few harmful situations. I think time will heal it more as I distance myself and replace those memories with new positive ones. I have my head on straight, it's just frustrating to feel that I have suffer emotionally for the mistakes or stupidity of others. I don't have much anger anymore, it's more of a sadness at times when I think of myself being hurt and deceived. It wasn't fair.

Your absolutely right! Im a disabled vet who smokes marijuanna to deal with my ptsd!